hi guys
I'm having a weird problem with workbench...
I'm a newbie at both photoshop and vtfedit but I've been following some YT tutorials about making your own designs for weapons.
I've made a nice design for an AWP [at least i think it's nice] using the UV Chart method but when I import it the scope, barrel and magazine turn pitch black instead of the 'pattern' I want them to be..
If I use the .vtf file on another weapon I can see the parts which get 'left out' on the AWP...
I've used the normal settings [0 rotation, ignore weapon scale]
any1 has any ideas ?
As has been mentioned, you need to add an Alpha Channel to your UV sheet and do some editing on that Alpha Channel.
Values from white to black control how much the weapon wears.
Values around 196 in the alpha channel subtract from the refinishable areas of the weapon.
Values in the 128-255 interval have no effect, so the finish wears as usual.
Values below 128 increase the durability of the finish.
(Taken from secion 7 of this Steam guide: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=193603807)
So, looking at the UV, you need to know where the scope, magazine, and anything that's not appearing properly are located. In those spots, you probably to make a selection (on the Alpha Channel) and then fill with a value below 128.
With my first skin, I made the entire Alpha Channel a grey colour, the value was about 90, if I remember correctly. This worked for me.
Hope this helps!