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3D Artist Available for work

polycounter lvl 4
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Tberger polycounter lvl 4

I am a skilled 3D artist looking to build my portfolio! Preferably I am looking for paid work. I am fast and communicate well. http://www.artstation.com/artist/terrellberger Is where you can find my past projects, I am not limited to this style of work it's just stuff that I have done.



  • Sokil
    Offline / Send Message
    Hello, Terrell
    I'm looking for a 3D modeler for a sci-fi survival game. It will be very unique in both story and gameplay, but roughly saying, think of it as a sci-fi clone of The Forest if you like.
    I have no budget, but want to get one from Kickstarter campaign eventually. That is why before campaign - you'll work for free. I won't get into details, but if we get funds from Kickstarter - you get paid for all your work, if not - you won't(nobody will actually :( ).
    But don't worry, I'll try as hard as I can to make campaign and the game successful.
    Contact me on firsovoleksandr@gmail.com.

    Hopefully you're still reading this.

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