currently I am working on a stylized tileset for Unreal 4 somewhere similar to Torchlight with a different color-palette.
It's the first time for me working with painted stylized textures, so I'd like to hear some feedback while I am still working on it.
Thanks in advance and here is what I have so far:
[Trees will be replaced with new ones later. I am thinking about something similar to Diablo 3]
I have two materials. The first one blends with a world aligned dirt-texture, the second one blends with a world aligned grass-texture.
The shadow is a simple bumpoffset
Okay with one more texture I can blend between dirt and grass, but not sure whats worse. Two materials or one more texture.
Could be interesting to try and push the models a bit more, like making the house a little more wonky or the dock-planks a little crooked sometimes, but that is more personal preference, but it fits hand painted style environments in my opinion.
Looking forward to see more!
@ Sweetangel0467: I hope this screenshot helps. Sadly it's not working with normal maps.
@ Carabiner: Thanks. Haven't taken a look at Original Sin so far, but looks nice for inspiration .
@ Luxap: Well it's my first time working on a stylised art-style. when I started I wanted to create something like Torchlight with a different color-palette. Turned out a little bit more different so far ^^. Maybe I will change it later, not sure for now.
Okay, thanks for all the feedback so far . That is my current status for now. I am currently fixing some visual glitches, maybe add some little details, but thats it for now because there is other stuff I need to do right now. For the future I most likely redo some stuff. I am not really happy with the wood as an example.
So I'd really love to hear some feedback for what it is right now. Bash it as good as you can .
First thing that stood out to me was the rocks. I don't think they blend in quite as well with everything else. The contrast immediately catches my attention. The overall frequency of detail is a bit higher than your other stuff as well. Where your rock is next to the beach/cliff is a good example of the slight mismatch. You have a lot of highlighted edging, a lot of scratches/pits, and a decent amount of color modulation over all of the surface. Compared to your grass, where you use representative shapes without the need to show information for individual blades, it feels like a different style altogether.
That whole area where the grass meets the sandy cliff, meets the beach, meets the water...that looks incredible...really awesome! Perhaps a little bit of mismatch with contrast between the cliff and flat sand...but I'm really digging that overall.
Keep it up!