UE3 question here.
Basically I have two meshes/maps here. The light with the bulb and the glass. The light has an emissive on it to make the bulb glow but the glass, which has translucent on it is blocking it.
Simply put, how do I get the lightbulb to glow through the glass?
The other lights in my environment work how I want them to
disable "Enable Separate Translucency"
change the "Translucency Lighting Mode" to TLM_Surface
Try this frist: MLM_Phong or MLM_Custom and set the Blend Mode to Blend_Translucent.
Long time since I used UDK so you might what to look into the lightmass settings.
https://udn.epicgames.com/Three/Lightmass.html [Mesh Area Lights from Emissive]
What your trying to do should work.
I might just have to make the glass glow it's self. I couldn't get it to look good earlier but I can keep trying.
I have a fog alpha texture infront of my alpha windows and they don't work together at all. If you turn your head the fog is off, then turn your head the other way and it's on.
you could try making a glow mesh that encapsulates the mesh or use a flare
Personally I would just ditch the bulb since it's so small anyway, and then fake the bulb by adding an emissive colour over an opaque glass texture and masking it using a DotProduct multiplied over the emissive value. You'll save yourself some extra R&D time and also save on unnecessary draw calls for something that's gonna be like, 10 pixels on screen.
If you're utterly hell-bent on keeping the mesh as-is, you could try inverting the normals of the glass, set it to single-sided shading so you could get glass reflections around the side and back of the object, but not the front and the emissive glow should theoretically show up.