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Zbrush subtool issue

polycounter lvl 11
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tekmatic polycounter lvl 11
Hi people,

Am fairly new with Zbrush but getting the hang of it. Have a question. I imported a multi piece model (watch tower) and then proceeded through the route of polygrouping and split the group to create the subtools to sculpt individual pieces.

One of the imported pieced are actually 2 vertical wooden studs that happen to be one on top of the other with a joint between them. These 2 pieces happen to be close enough that the subtool created contains both of them and now they are kind of fused. When adding subd to the tool, I get a visible division at the junction.

Is there a way now in zbrush to break those 2 apart? Or do I need to reimport them again. Now here is my other dilema, how to import 2 separate pieces and have them be part of that polygroup subtools?

I am adding an image where you can see the topology is different where the 2 pieces meet. I hope my explanation is clear. Let me know if more info is needed and thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.



  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    Objects should not fuse together if you don't do anything to them. Just importing multiple objects as one .obj should works just fine.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    Use Tool: Polygroup: AutoGroups to see if they are actually fused together, or if the ends are just mashed together.

    The only reason they should be fused if if they were imported with no caps and the merge button was on (this is off and buried by default), or if you used dynamesh at some point (but if that were the case the wireframe should look a lot more fused together than that).
  • tekmatic
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    tekmatic polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for your replies guys. Sorry for the late respond.

    @Super that's exactly what I get with the rest of the pieces of the model.

    @cryrid using the autogroups did not do anything to that particular subtool. Dynamesh was not used here and I know those 2 pieces are capped. Now is it possible that autogrouping and the doing the group split failed to see them as 2 separate objects since the topology between the 2 did not drastically change.

    I am going to go back to the 3dsmax model and separate them more and re-export them and re-try the autogroup / group split and see if that fixes this issue.

    Thanks for your suggestions!
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