Looks like you've made a lot of improvement! As for the cape, I think you should have kept the shape of the bottom as it was before, but I do like how you have no tears or holes in this cape. The reason that I say this is because if you have Substance Painter, you can create transparency maps which will give you an easier time texturing in wear and tears on the cape. If you do not have Substance Painter, I highly recommend you use it. It's a great texturing program.
Hey! Thanks for the feedback and suggestions @PattyWhacker , really appreciate it yeah I was actually planning on using Substance Painter, I'm nearing the end of the retopo stage so all the fun texturing starts soon. So I can just create a transparency map on the fly while painting? Cool :pleased:
Retopo is going well, but I had to go back and move/adjust some things around after going back once again and improving the anatomy, especially the facial anatomy (couple further tweaks incoming, i.e sternocleidomastoid). Took a quick screenie so some things are protruding through/need to be moved, I think it overall looks a lot better. I'm aware of the excessive eyelashes