After i've downloaded Quixel Suit and installed it , i got a message "Do you want to start Quixel Suite now?" (or something like that), i press "yes" and i got an error "The path 'C: \Program Files\Quixel\x64\bin\Release\SUITE.exe' does not exist or is not a directory."
I've pressed "OK" , after that i've tried to search the launcher of Quixel to start it , but i can't find one.
Can anyone help me?
fwiw I think my installation ended up here by default (win 7)
which version of windows do you have?
I would say to do a file search for SUITE.exe and see if it is anywhere on your machine.
Then maybe just uninstall and reinstall.
also it seems odd to have a space between "C:" and "\Program Files" unless that is just a typo.
Good luck!
First off, make sure You´ve downloaded the full install and not just a patch!
Also it would be great if you could screenshoot the error message so I could see exacly what´s going on, thank you!
So my problem is, when I run the suite, NDO and 3DO run as expected when the buttons are clicked. DDO when clicked on does nothing...the icon stays in the pressed position as if on, but no window appears like the others.
I go to the folder where the exe is kept, I launch DDO from there(as admin) and the pop up box appears for it. I load the mesh and files, then I click on "Create Base" then PS CC disappears. PS still shows as active in the task manager, but is no longer accessible to me.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry to hear about your troubles, a few ideas:
- Are there any non-alphanumerical characters in the install path to the suite?
- is there any anti-virus that might block the suite?
-is the suite installed on a network drive?
- is there enough room left on PS scratchdisks?
Lots of questions
When I look through the Quixel folders there is no SUITE.exe file only the uninstall file and I am never asked to add the license number I received by email when purchased.
I have Windows 7, Photoshop CC. Please help! Thank you!
I will second that. Its usually a good idea to let a program install itself where it first suggests. My quixel is users/Public, not in the Programs folder. Also Have the Quixel suite startup as in admin mode.
That is very strange! Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall, sounds like something was corrupted during your install! you can also try your "revo uninstaller" to clean all the quixel files from your system, this has worked for many others. Let me know if this does anything for you.
Hello, I'm currently new to and I'm having an issue with Quixel Suite. I've been searching the forums but can't a similar situation since it won't let me post my own thread to inquire. I recently bought and received the Quixel Suite with an Indie License. I can provide the shop number given, and my order ID# if needed. After purchasing the Quixel Suite, it didn't automatically install the programs (NDO, DDO, 3DO, and Megascans) onto my computer. The Purchase Information page came up and it had listed NDO and DDO (w/ Indie License) as what I'd purchased and beside them were links to download. I downloaded and installed them. When I pressed DDO it started talking about a trial. I pressed NDO it said the same thing. I haven't received a confirmation email with my serial number so I can't register it. I double checked my email and all folders in my gmail but haven't recieved anything. Also, when I go to my programs in the control panel Quixel isn't in there. But when I pull it up the its showing the programs and in addition, Quixel megascan is grayed out. Can you please help me?
If you can PM me the e-mail for the account I can give you the serials for NDO and DDO.
3DO is free for anyone with NDO or DDO so you don´t need a license for that!
Megascans is not part of The Suite and is a stand alone product, it has not yet been released that is why the button is greyed out. It is fully integrated with The Suite however so those who wants to use both Megascans and Ddo can do so seamlessly!
Are you referring to my account on If so the email with that account is
From our system requirements:
Minimum system requirements
- Windows 7, 64-bit only
- Photoshop CS3 Standard/Extended, 64-bit
- 8GB of RAM
- 1.5 GHz CPU
- Dedicated GPU (Nvidia GTX 600 series, or comparable specifications)
- At least 16GB of scratch disk memory reserved for Photoshop (i.e. 16GB free on the hard drive Photoshop is using as a scratch disk)
You'll need to upgrade to CS3 at minimum to work with Quixel SUITE.