Hey guys!
I'm currently developing some tileable textures for a University project and I wanna get some feedback from you wonderful people. These will all be used in game so I wanna get them as perfect as possible. I will keep updating this thread with new textures and improved textures.
The list of textures:
Snowy Cobblestones
Dirt Path
Lava Floor
Burnt Grass
I have done an initial cobblestone, any feedback is appreciated. I wasn't sure if this is the right forum since they will be in a 3D game, if this needs moving to the 2D forum please let me know!
Thanks a lot everyone!
I replaced the image with a tiled 1024/1024 one instead.
A friend saw it and told me to reduce the amount of pebbles in the texture, so here's that. What do you think?
This looks like a really nice start, I can see you have the fundamentals of the process down, I just think the textures lack a little something, something to make them stand out and 'pop'. I think this is certainly the case with the first cobblestones texture.
With the second cobblestones texture, it might be worth putting a little snow on top of some of the stones, that might make it more obvious that it is snow.
I do notice the tiling in the textures but I not sure if that's more because I'm looking for it. Having more unique elements in your tiling textures can make them stand out. In the first cobblestone texture, the dark blue stones draw my eye immediately due to the contrast in colours, which gives away the tiling. This happens again in the dirt texture due to two of the stones having smaller stones on top of them, they stand out more and my eye notices the repeating pattern.
Again, I stress, please take this with a pinch of salt, I am by no means an expert with this. I'm not sure if you have seen these threads before, (they are both by Jessica Dinh who is fantastic at this style) they could be a massive help to you:
Especially the snow doesn't really read like snow, I think it is too uniform on the stones.
Shouldn't the snow lay more on top of the stones( since it comes down from above) rather than in EVERY edge between the stones?
And I would highly recommend to check out this awesome tutorial by Jamin Shoulet, it's long but filled with awesomeness and very helpfull techniques:
part 1:
part 2:
Good luck
keep going, never stop.
This thread might help you with some tips on how to get a good lava look, and also other general handpainted tips.
I gotta say, this forum has been so delightful and helpful, so thanks again to everyone who is helping out, I really do appreciate it.