Hi guys, I was about to reorient some of my joints with a aim constraint from maya but it doesn't work like I wanted. This is how I tried it:
At first I ungroup the two other connecting joints,
then I set the joint orientation to zero and at the end I select the child first
and then the joint that I want to reorient,
now I apply a aim constraint with these settings:

Now it gives me almost the right result except that the joint is kinda 45° rotated,
do any of you know why?

Then move this locator and the joint will aim correctly.
But its easier to manually rotate the joint using the joint orient x, y or Z.
At the picture, your joint seams to be rotate 45ishº in X. just put a 0 and done.
but I still don't understand why it's rotated after the aim constraint.
Is something wrong with the values from the child?