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Desmond Man - Hand-painted Cottage Level

Hey guys,

It's been a really long time since I've actually brought myself to get back to extra curricular portfolio work... but I've been posting and looking at threads across polycount for a while and inspiration is always flowing because of the talented artists on here :)

I'm working full time now and I've been forced to start learning hand painted artwork on my current project so I'm doing this as a way to get better at it faster (practice makes perfect no?) haha

Alright so lets get this started...

The concept is not mine and I couldn't find the name of the original artist since I came across it as a second hand upload on pinterest... if anyone knows the artist please tell me, I'd love to drop them an email :)

Although I like this concept I do intend to mix it up a bit with other styles I've been looking up recently... although my reference bin is actually on my PC at work haha... I'll post them up later on :)


I've began a block out...
I'll be placing this into UE4, I thought about giving PBR Shading a go but I'm unsure whether i'd need to do such a thing with a style like this... since PBR is probably better aimed at realistic artwork no? If i'm wrong someone please tell me or point me in the correct direction to learn about this pipeline, thank you!

The larger shapes are blocked out however I am starting to go into closer detailing now e.g. windows/doorways and I'll be starting up my tiling textures soon too :)



  • AngryMindtricks
    Here's another update on the blockout...

    This is all I can do for tonight sadly, but hopefully I can get a good half a day or so on this again tomorrow :) Merry Christmas everyone!

    Any crits about this so far even though I know it's not much would be of great help to me :)

    Even any suggestions on how I should tackle some parts in the concept are welcome too. I'm always very open to ideas :D

  • [NB] Mohsen
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    [NB] Mohsen polycounter lvl 3
    Great work so far! Can't wait to see how you'll go on with that :)
  • GreenBeams
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    GreenBeams polycounter lvl 10
    Looking Great so far, i can't wait to see the texturing phase =)

    I think the original artist is called Jeremy Vickery - http://jermilex.deviantart.com/art/The-Charm-Maker-s-cottage-115710873
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    So I migrated back to this thread because I believe a generalised art thread just doesn't seem to work on this forum... a title specifically aimed at the art piece is probably better...

    here's an update... I've just fixed the alphas and painted a basic grass texture for the time being... at this point I've started considering the environment that surrounds the house but haven't got any models meshed out yet... I'm planning to probably run through the base textures for the floor first so that way I can roughly paint out the path and such.

    C&C Very welcome.


  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    New update, so everything is starting to get polished on the house... I'm still adjusting small things like some of the levels in lighting for the wooden planks on the house because they look quite flat atm still...
    but all in all I think the house is coming close to the end stages... So i've began making the assets that surrounds it...
    The next major asset I'll be moving onto will most probably be either the trees or grass alphas / plants...

    I reckon it will most likely be the grass foliage models first since they make a big chunk of this scene... and then the trees will be right afterwards :) leave the most work til last I guess? xD

    C&C Very welcome.


  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    I'm just curious to know if anyone on this forum knows how to setup a decent material that enables the painterly style effect with normal maps and works with lighting? since right now whenever I try it most of my materials come out looking plastic... is there a tutorial or anything that anyone can recommend? Thanks! :D
  • kevinjohnxson
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    kevinjohnxson polycounter lvl 2
    Quixel's DDO offers a stylized option. Although I have only used it for realistic texturing so far, I think it might be worth checking out.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Reigning in spec maps can definitely help on that. I've done that method on a few projects but look at stuff like Darksiders or even Heroes of the Storm. Both of those games use normals maps combined with a painted look. While it is show on character you could take a look at the DOTA2 style guide. It gives a pretty good idea on making it work.
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks! I'll have a look through the PDF... unless it already answers what I'm about to say anyways... then please ignore what I say xD

    But I guess my main concern is how to achieve that look in UE4 through material setup... Like, I'm able to hand paint and gen normal maps, specs etc... but while trying to compose a material in UE4... all the end results I'm obtaining are quite plastic like... I read on an article and also heard from another artist almost at the same time actually that UE4 doesn't support coloured specular maps... so it often gives back quite a weird white specular... Is there a way around it? or is there a way other people who are currently doing the same kind of pipeline that has any advice on how I should be setting up my materials for it?

    I'm curious because I've almost always just flat diffuse painted my hand-painted models... so when it comes to working with normal maps with this style of work is a little bit of a grey area with me haha. Knowledge is power no? n___n

    Thanks a bunch for the info so far though guys :)! any info is already a blessing on this matter for me haha
  • pixelb
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    pixelb greentooth
    I’m the artist who pointed out Unreal doesn’t use colored spec. I’d like to add, DOTA and HotS both support colored spec and look much better for it.

    I can think of two things you can try:

    -get rid of specular entirely and just use the normal maps to darken your shadows. You lose the plastic look but everything ends up kind of dry, not unlike what you have now (I assume nothing’s normal-mapped yet.)

    -keep the specular and try to compensate with really colorful IBL, probably with lots of indirect lighting to boot. You’ll also want some solid AO textures to mask out specular reflections in occluded areas.

    Personally I lean towards the second option. Embrace the plastic-y look. Make everything a little shinier than it would be in real-life and dampen the strength of the specular a touch. You could also try using a post-process volume with custom LUT to boost the brightness of your colors, but I can’t say how well that will work.
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Ah awesome Marie, thanks :)

    So far the only things with normal maps and speculars in my previous post are the grass floor and brick path... but they're turned down pretty low... I tried the 1 constant vector with a value of 0 yesterday and it removed the highlight... it looks okay for now but I'll definitely give what you suggested a try once I've got all my assets done and in... preparation is key haha...

    but again, thank you for your input... definitely given me new things to think about while approaching this (Y)

    I'll have an update on this piece over the weekend hopefully :D!

  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    So I've spent today sculpting a tree base in zbrush...
    This tree will be widely used around my UE4 level... so right now this sculpt has 3 subtools...

    1 x tree base
    2 x branches

    I'll be reusing the branches to build 3 or 4 variations to place around my scene... since in the concept some of these trees look pretty tall in the distance I think I'll attempt that same kind of look but if it turns out to look really weird then I'll probably just play around and improvise with what I have.

    C&C Very Welcome, I'll get getting onto retopology tomorrow if I haven't gotten any feedback about this by then.


  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Here is my latest update...

    I've been incredibly busy this week so haven't had as much time to progress on this... I also had an absolute nightmare baking this tree down... pretty sure I made a noob mistake by actually sculpting every root into the mesh... I think the next time I approach this tree I'll have like a maximum of 2 or 3 roots coming from the base and everything else will just be intercepting geometry... I had to cut up my high poly sculpt into a good 20-30 pieces just to get the bakes down correctly. but any-hoo here it is so far...

    There's still a lot to correct e.g. lighting / placement of assets / shaders etc... but most of it is here already... I'll be adding more props in soon... like plants in front of the house, a few custom ferns here and there and a few rock pieces to break up the empty areas of open grass areas...

    Eventually I'll get onto a matte paint for the furthest areas and any additional models / features that may come along the way...

    essentially I think from this point onwards I'll be breaking away from the concept a bit and adding a few things that could aid in building the composition of it all... also I've started divising a small back story just to make prop decisions a little easier... I'll post that up later on once I've decided how it will go :)

    C&C very welcome!

  • Megacorpse
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    Megacorpse polycounter lvl 8
    I love those trunks! Perpendicular leaves would really sell your trees better, they look a bit flat right now. You could scatter planes across the canopy to break that. Can't wait to see this with the same lighting as the concept.
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the critique Megacorpse :) when you say perpendicular do you mean have them all facing upwards? idk why... I might have over thought perpendicular too much and gone and confused myself hahaha xD
  • Megacorpse
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    Megacorpse polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah, don't take it literally, I mean they just shouldn't be oriented in the same direction as the plane they're on.
  • polymator
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    polymator polycounter lvl 6
    The scene is coming along nicely though it's missing that warm sunlight which gives the concept a lot of its mood.
    And I'm pretty sure Megacorpse means perpendicular to the viewing angle.
    As it happens his portfolio has an example : http://vianney3d.tumblr.com/image/118203183957
    he has a lot of the leaf cards facing the camera which counters the flat look and also breaks up the tree's silhouette
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6

    Alright, I'll have a go at changing the way I've built the leaves today :) thanks for that!


    Ah I get what you mean. I'll give that a try right now (Y) and yeah you're right the atmosphere is missing atm. I was planning on correcting it all together in one big go once everything was there but I might just do it sooner than later...

    I'll see :) Thanks for the critique guys! :D
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Another small update... I've done a small lighting adjustment & post effects to bring up that warm feeling... it still doesn't match the concept but I'll be putting more detail into lighting&post later on once all my props are properly placed and made... I've corrected the trees now... hopefully this is the look you meant? @megacorpse :) ... I've added a outer coating of polygonal leaves to bring out a better looking silhouette... and I've also downsized my leaves because they looked waaaay too big to me this morning haha...


    C&C very welcome... for the time being I'll move onto making some pretty flowers and such n___n

  • Megacorpse
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    Megacorpse polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah that makes a huuuge difference, great job.
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6


    So I've been spending a lot of time just building and placing foliage this week... I've come to a point where I feel foliage isn't going to be enough to break up that open grass area in front of the house so some helpful feedback from some artists have told me to perhaps build a well or something for the open grass area... so I've gone ahead and started building it but there's nothing worth showing just yet (just blocked out meshes atm).

    So here's the update for the time being... I've actually got a question for people who have the answer to this... How should I go about building my shader for tree leaves? I've managed to basically cheat my way into something usable... but my trees seem to get patchy black areas in parts of the map that I'd love to very much learn how to solve? could be an incredibly noob thing that I haven't learnt yet haha...


    Here's also an asset list of what I've been planning on putting into this scene still...
    - Smoke coming from he chimney
    - Some leaves subtly blowing off from the trees and across the level (very little of it though)
    - A post box on the front next to the fence
    - A few rocks to break up some grass sections
    - A lantern on the front porch

    LUXURY: Maybe a sleeping corgi just laying on the floor just in front of the front step.

    At least this is what I'm planning, but we'll see... some things may not make it in because the scene might start looking too noisy or what not but I'll see where I can go with these :)

    C&C is very welcome (Y)

    For the time being I'll be starting on the well... hopefully I'll have something worth showing over the weekend :)
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    have you tried editing the leaf mesh's normals using something like normaltheif?

  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    nooo I haven't, what is this though? o_o... haven't ever heard of normal thief, what does it do specifically? slightly adjust all the leaves to point outwards more?
  • Lukitscherie
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    Lukitscherie polycounter lvl 8
    It looks great, the tree trunks are gorgeous and the painting on the house is lovely :)
  • pixelb
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    pixelb greentooth
    Lighting’s looking great and new trees are 10x better. It looks like the distance fog is blocking out the skybox, there ought to be some way of disabling that.

    Normal thief looks for the nearest normal on a source mesh, and copies it to the target mesh. You can use it to “steal” the normals from a nearby sphere to get spherical lighting on your clump of planes. It’s a good idea, you should do it.
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Thank you for your kind words :) This is my first ever hand painted level so I'm glad I'm doing something right haha xD Merci

    Thanks haha, lighting this made my head rattle a bit at first but think I found a way that worked in the end... still could do with some more refining later on though n___n... I'll have a look into normal thief, sounds interesting hehe. Also, yeah the fog bleached out the sky but I did that intentionally for the time being because the skybox looks a little weird with this piece for some reason... later on I'll be placing a matte painting in the distance with icy mountains like the concept has :) that will probably be my second to last task I reckon... lighting/post pick up being the final stage and all haha n__n

    but anyhoo, UPDATOU!


    I've been extremely lazy and distracted this weekend so I'm a little disappointed in what I've achieved so far from 2 days of free time.

    The water well is done and ready (model wise)... however I'm still painting the textures on it... I don't have any close ups on it for this update since it's literally like a baked model with flat block colours and very little painting done on it... so for the time being I've just put it in for the layout/composition of the level. After placing it in I realized that I think the layout of the grass floor could benefit with a small stone path leading from the main path up to the well, just to help break up the floor a bit too :)

    I also rotated the house a bit since it was sitting dead forward at the path it looked a little dull... I've added more variations of flowers etc... I'm wondering if I'm getting a bit too carried away with plants because I don't want to end up making the scene far too busy... but I'm also really driven to add a sunflower in there but I think it may be overkill sadly xD

    C&C Very welcome.
  • Uberren
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    Uberren polycounter lvl 11
    Don't have much to say in terms of critique. I think it looks very nice and cozy. :) Turning the house a bit was a good call.
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Haha thanks Ren, what about the idea of adding sunflowers to the mix? I'm so obsessed with wanting to draw some but I really don't wanna overkill this scene with too much foliage xD
  • Uberren
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    Uberren polycounter lvl 11
    You could always throw some quick blockouts in and see how you like it, I think.
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    I have no clue why I never thought of that LOL... thanks Ren, I'll probably do a paint over later tonight... finally have a free evening after work woooo xD! More updates soon! n__n
  • skodone
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    skodone polycounter lvl 2

    turned out awesome!

    have you thought about puttng some mountain pic or whatever in the far back to get rid of the "white spots" where the trees stop? in the big render you can see the sky shining below the tree tops, they somehow catch my eye and i look there, if there would be some far back darker amtosphere/hill/mountain/darkness i wouldnt be dragged there so much
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6

    Yep, That's one of the things I still have to add in :) since this is still WIP xD... I was planning to get the smaller details on the floor completed first and then have a nice matte painting for the mountains for my last few tasks before cleaning this up :) but yes I totally agree with you haha... I'm contemplating to add some rock boulders cutting into the floor and blending into the grass floor in the distance and maybe cut down the spammage of trees a bit... In my head it looks like it could work but I won't know until I try so... hopefully I'll have something for the next update :D thank you!
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Another Update!


    So in this update I've actually re-did the trees again... I felt that they were just too shuffled and poorly constructed so I had an evening and really sat down and constructed the leaves on the branches better... hopefully this looks a bit better? if not no worries I always have the old trees backed up anyways (Y) haha

    I've also added the stone path to the scene now annnnd given a small glimpse at the water well as well... the next asset I'll be doing is a wooden sign and possibly post box... this is where I'm going to probably incorporate the back story behind this piece... I've been thinking quite deep into it and I believe I'm going to go with the story that this dream house was built for a girl that a soldier loved very much but did her wrong... but he basically built the dream house they had talked about before everything went south... I'll explain it in more detail later on :) but I think the girl's name will be Natalia and the sign will say "Natalia, dreams do come true." ... but that's just what's running through my head... who knows.

    C&C Very welcome!
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Another small update,

    I didn't have much time to do anything today however I did make some major tweaks to the overall atmosphere of this piece.

    - I replaced some trees and moved them around to match the concept more
    - I adjusted the lighting/post effects/fog to slowly match the lighting & feel in the concept
    - I added in some boulders/rocks to break up the floor in the distance a bit (I will probably blend it in with the grass later on when I get around to it.

    There isn't much else I've done so far I think besides moving things around but hopefully this atmosphere feels more powerful in atmosphere :)

    C&C Very Welcome!


    Having a second look at those dandelion seeds scattered across the grass area surrounding the well seems a bit noisy to me so I think I'll remove that tomorrow when I'm back from work. If anyone think that's a bad call please tell me :)
  • pixelb
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    pixelb greentooth
    Having a second look at those dandelion seeds scattered across the grass area surrounding the well seems a bit noisy to me so I think I'll remove that tomorrow when I'm back from work. If anyone think that's a bad call please tell me

    Naw, it's a good call. You could keep some clumps of them grouped around the trees if you wanted, but the random ones in the yard aren't adding anything.

    Looking really good, it just bugs me that the fog looks like white fake game fog and not the atmospheric haze in the concept. Some depth of field blurring the outline of the distant trees would probably go a long ways.
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Marie :) a second call on that decision was definitely helpful xD

    Yeah the fog I haven't thought much of it's main purpose right at this moment is just to kind of kill out the horizon for me... I don't think I can do much about it atm until I add that matte paint... I might get around to doing the matte paint background earlier than I thought because I've had a lot of comments about the fog/sky dome. Once that back plate's in there I can start adjusting the fog and DoF afterwards hehe :D... but I'm wondering how I should go about the backdrop... in my head I'm thinking of applying a plane with a little bit of curvature on it and then applying my matte paint to it on an unlit shader... but I don't know if that will come out all weird?
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6

    Quite a lot done on this weekend so far... I've tried to match the concept in lighting as much as I can atm... it's still off but I think this will do for now... if the lighting absolutely sucks tell me please LOL

    So here's what I've done to for this update...

    - Re-lit / post process adjusted the entire scene.
    - The house was originally unlit flat diffuse, I've generated normal maps and speculars for the entire house now and lit it to match the scene better.
    - Most props in the scene have had a specular map added now and some which were missing normal maps.
    - I've added a matte painting for the background now.
    - Moved trees and things all over the level to match the concept's horizon transition better
    - Added a smoke particle system for the chimney
    - Generally tweaked most of the shaders for the foliage to match the lighting better.

    I've still got to add the wooden sign leading in/possibly a post box, lamp for the front of the house & leaf particle emitter for the trees and then depending on how I'm feeling at the time probably a cute little sleeping corgi for the front door step n___n

    C&C Very Welcome :)

  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    My final update for this weekend period...

    So I've decided I'm coming quite close to finishing this project up... Collectively I've gotten some good feedback across several forum sources to help me bring this environment together...

    The only two things I've got left to deal with at this point is just finishing up the texture on the house door lamp and then the sleeping corgi on the front doorstep.

    C&C Very welcome.


    Also, could anyone recommend me a good image upload service that doesn't compress my images so badly? I'm using imgur atm and regardless of how grateful I am of their free service the down res on the images I share seem so blurry to me now :(
  • skodone
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    skodone polycounter lvl 2
    where is that lamp i can only see that the house corner is glooming right now :D

    tried tinypic yet?
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    The lamps are on the sides of the front middle section of the house haha...
    The house corner is blooming quite a bit yeah xD but I've tried match it with the concept's lighting and it's lighting kind of glooms that much as well haha... if it's a poor choice I can always dial it back a bit xD

    and i haven'tttt... I'll give that a try for my next upload (Y) cheers buddy :D
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    I really think you should spend some more time lighting the scene, at the moment everything looks extremely flat. Part of this is because you have no cast shadows but most of it is coming from the fact that your tree canopies barely look like they're being shaded at all.

    Edit: Your current lighting also doesn't make much sense anyway, the concept is clearly being lit by the sun where as your scene is being lit by some random omni light.
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    I love the lighting and textures, very nice warm look you've got going there :)
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    I guess that's true... looking at the concept again I always thought it was a bit of a God ray spotlight, I'll take some time to redo the lighting then (Y) Thanks!

    Haha thank you xD on the texture side any way (Y) The lighting will be redone buuuut it will be BETTER! BETTER I TELL YOU haha :)

    Updates soon!
  • amirabd2130
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    amirabd2130 polycounter lvl 7
    Really like this.
    I would love to explore the environment
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6

    Thank you for the kind words :) if this concept were a real place I definitely would have popped open a bottle of beer and laid down on the grass haha
  • amirabd2130
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    amirabd2130 polycounter lvl 7
    you're quite welcome.
    that would be a great experience :D
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    So I've played around with the lighting and this is more or less the best I could get out of this... I hope it's better than what it was before... trying to get shadows down on the floor for this one has proven to be quite a stressful task x___x

    I think I'm going to call this done for the time being unless there's any ground breaking major problems with this atm... but I'm quite eager to take a break from this or generally move onto my next environment... I'm still taking on feedback and criticism so please by all means drop the input here and I'll drop it down on a notepad for when I come back to this... but as of now I'm pretty drained staring at this and my eyes could use a breath of something new :)

    I tried uploading this onto tinypic but it downsized my high res quite harshly so I'm just gonna stick with imgur for the time being...

    C&C Very welcome!

  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Huge improvement, much better fore/mid/back separation. Only thing I would add is what has already been mentioned here by others: You should really fix the vertex normals on your tree canopies.

    It might seem like a confusing task but it is well worth the effort to learn how to do it, as it's really one of the best ways to fix most shading problems in non-photorealistic rendering, not just for trees.

    Edit: Also those black areas of your tree trunks you may want to try to lighten up with some low intensity carefully placed omni lights. Be very subtle about it, you aren't trying to create a new dominant light source, you're just trying to keep your shadows from getting too dark.
  • amirabd2130
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    amirabd2130 polycounter lvl 7
    Huge improvement.
    This really shows that the lighting is a major part of any scene.
    Well done :thumbup:
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Couple more things to push this. (Looking great btw).
    • Contrast the wood trunk color of the trees and fence pieces to not be the same color value.
    • Punch the sky color to super saturated blue, to up your contrast and also sell the full brightness of the lighting you've already accomplished.
    • As others have said....fix those trees. It might be worth while to attempt another approach. I've always thought this was a great solution to doing stylized trees. It's a blobby shape with a tiled texture of leaves. With what looks like alpha cross cards littered all over the top of it.


    good luck.
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