Quick question for you guys that do maxscript; is there a way to identified which edges are there on the begining and end of a selected edges loop (of course when a non full loop selected)?
By simply extracting the edgeLoop[1] and edgeLoop[edgeLoop.count] wont do the trick...(in this example case; edgeLoop = (polyOp.getEdgeSelection $) as array)
I'm inspired to do my own version of Angle Loop because I don't really like how he implemented the rollout into the edit poly rollout (and causes flash everytime) so I decided to practice write my own version.
Here is what I've got so far; .. but with this it's only select the next possible edges instead of select the whole possible edges like the version on Scriptspot and also somehow it ignored the last edge, still looking into what's causing this. If you have any suggestion on how to improve this, as always please post it here!
The [...].numberSet != 3 part basically checks if there are three selected edges sharing the two verts of the middle one. If it is so, it means the edge has another selected edge on both its sides; if not, that edge has to be at the end of the loop and it's the edge we were looking for.
And no way I can wrote a script that complex myself at the moment..haha!
and call it from the macroscript like this:
I did tried the Polytools' solution and it seems like by combining only using one global instance work more similar to my previous script. But one thing that still question in my head is; what are the ids (senderMcr)? it seems like a random number, so I removed it from the script and it still works like normal..hmm..