I've had an idea for a Laputa/Skies of Arcadia style floating castle scene.
I want the castle to be inspired by (but not be a direct copy of) the Portuguese royal palace at Sintra: a castle built in the late 19th century in the romantic-nationalist style.
The Pink bit on the right is the bit that interests me.
Also I've wanted to model the Palladian bridge at Stowe for a while now and it sorta fits into the scene
The Bridge is apparently a copy of a bridge from somewhere in Italy and the 'river' it crosses was dug out by hand.
This is what I have so far. The first image is flat shaded, which is how I will present the final scene: fiffuse maps only, shadows painted on etc.
Some partially Zbrushed rocks
This image shows the re-topologised rocks, but without smoothing groups
Any thoughts/crits etc?
like it's breaking apart. (this debris is overkill in this example but illustrates what I was talking about.)
Back after Christmas: made some smoothing groups amd an ao bake: I'll add more debris and floating bits into a paintover tomorrow.
Is that occlusion on the rocks baked or did you paint it in manually?
I guess baked from high poly, cleaned up and adjusted its colors?
Do you just paint in photoshop or do you use stuff like 3D coat?
Just a thought, I think it'd be really sick if the waterfall extended past the edge of the image, make it feel like it goes on forever
I think you should focus on the castle instead of the ship !
Keep it up !
I'm using a workflow suggested by FemCharles Which goes a bit like:
Model a very basic shape in 3ds Max
Take into Zbrush and sculpt
Re-topologise and UVmap in Max
Final sculpt in Zbrush
Take Matcap and Displacement maps out of Zbrush
Generate AO maps in xNormal
Create a base diffuse map in Photoshop using these maps
Clean up the seams using Mudbox
Generate another AO map in Max (this one one captures the proximity of the rocks in relation to the castle etc.)
This is what I have so far the rocks (more painting in Photoshop next) and the gate (again, still pretty WiP)
Adding some grass on the cliff tops will break up that big block of colour. Get some trees in.
Stop faffing with the rocks
I really dig this project, keep it up!
My tdl for this week:
- Water: I don't know how I'm going to the waterfall yet.
- Rocks look a bit homogeneous and could do with a bit of attention
- Maybe the tree stump could have a mushroom growing out of it?
Any other suggestions/crits?
Great references too.