I will be recreating the following scene for my University FYP in Unreal 4 Engine which has been inspired by Alien.Blade runner and the fifth element.
My first goal was to observe and de construct by highlighting the main points and interests, create a colour pallet also compare to the three movies,
Concept Chosen
Did a quick composition over the concept.
Focus Points
Colour Palette
Blade runner Comparison
Alien Comparison
The Fifth Element Comparison
Chair reference
Possible changes that could be made to chair gathered chairs that had a scifi look to them and would work in the scene if elements where combined together.
Found another angle of the chair used in this scene by the artist that had used it in another scene.
Did a break down of the scene highlighted which methods will be used to create certain assets.
Changes made when feedback was given about it being to big compared to the concept and was not to scale.
Then I created the mesh pass in 3ds Max using the ue4 blocout as a guide the following are renders of the mesh created.
Had a go at adding in a hallway with the door open but decided to get rid of it and keep the scene as just the room.
Began placing my mesh pass into Unreal 4 Engine trying my best to recreate the block out closely as possible and match the camera angle and attaching assets together to make modularity easier to make any changes.
Original Blockout
Updated Mesh pass
gif showing a better comparison between both
Thank for the help.
Bed still needs work as I have realised how big it looks compared to the rest of the scene when rendering the camera view and will be changed to match the scene and make it look more realistic.
Shower section no longer has a gap on the right side instead is curved into the wall which was realised was done in the original scene too and was changed.
Floor Computer High Poly WIP
Fan Extractor High poly WIP
Wall Computers High poly WIP
calling this done for now as i need to work on other assets foe the scene.
Highpoly Bed
Also managed to finish the bed too
had some issues with sketchfab so had to render out a screenshot instead.
Created a hdd last week which i did not get time to post
and today I have been adding in more detail into the laptop model before I start using turbo smooth to create my high poly and bake down basic mode with all the detail and have another model with components missing like the hdd, battery and DVD drive which will be laying on the floor next to the opened laptop.
Highpoly Chair WIP
Few Assets Bakes
Scene at it's current state
Roof lights are place holders at the moment having problem with material id in max not working in UE4 when exported.
Separate parts:
-DVD drive
-SSD Cover
Plan was to have more of the interior components showing but due to modelling taking much longer then planed and not realizing the amount work that will need to be done had to cut it down tot he following pieces to speed the process up.
Also created a basic table for the back of the room just to fill it up more and reuse assets created to scatter on the table and reuse the left wall computer and create smaller versions for the back wall once they have been textured.
Calling the generator finished for now and will create the low poly alongside in the chair in the next few days once i have created a pattern for the chair that works well with the scene.
Generator Highpoly
Highpoly of chair finished
Finished baking all assets for the scene
Generator Normal and AO
Chair Normal and AO
Imported and arranged more assets around the scene.
Have applied base colors to walls need too create metallic and roughness in substance painter
I have textured more assets and will update forum in a few days once i ave managed to get quite a few more done as deadline is approaching for this project.
Thanks for feedback Holly Mellor will makes change to the books
Thanks skodone
Also tweaked the lighting more but think it needs to be a bit dark as it has turned a bit to bright compared to the original scene.
I agree skdone been meaning to change that just keep working on other assets trying to get it finished for deadline but will fix the wall soon
Thanks nastobi123 I have added in little fog to the scene need to upload new screens once more texturing is done.
Thanks Phil