Hey guys, I'm looking for a way to pass color data that is constantly changing by material attribute like sine out of the material editor threw a param. ( anotherwords control the param from inside the material than pass that out so that I can use that to control an object's position from within the material side by feeding the info to kismet.
Maybe I've over looked something, because the only parameters I see are static parameters that can not be controlled from the inside of the material.
I have a world position offset material that controls an object's vertex positions relative to camera position. I have a point light that does not interact correctly with that shader. ( Example when the vertex move, the point light does not follow the vertex positions.) I have another variation of the shader that will move an object's position based on its pivot point. however again it only moves the vertex so it will not move the point light's position.
So I thought if I can pass the position data out from the shader, than I could use kismet to control the point light's position based on the shader data.
So yeah! since the Shader param out is a dead end....
Right now I'm attempting to translate that shader function over to Kismet to move the Point light's position so that it matches the Fisheye shader.
Sadly there seems to be a lack of a camera position variable in kismet. so I'm substituting that with a player Variable. I don't know if this is going to work.
( may need to have hire someone to do it in unreal script)
Here is the fisheye shader in action if you guys need a visualization on how it bends the level back.
Walking left and right functions correctly, however running towards or away from the screen is screwed because distance nod is for all directions. I'll Need to filter out the Y Axis.
maybe jumping works correctly, but since its relative to the player pawn instead of the camera position, the jumping causes a strange offset.
(kismet R = y and G =X) Weird? I know! ( sorry)