Anyone of you Modo users got this issue?
Every action I do inside the UV editor viewport takes ages, in the modeling viewport it's instantaneous.
Loop selections (L), growing/shrink selection using up/down and shift+up/down arrows, moving shells, rotating, every UV unwrap tool... everything!
I'm running on 801, I've tried turning off VOB under OpenGL good

Also, can someone explain how the percentage value in the "Gaps" option of the "Pack UVs" tool works? Is it possible to just put a value in pixels?
Some times packing can be slow if you are packing a lot of islands. How complex is your mesh?
Have you got a particularly heavy scene with lots of items? It does struggle with those, even if they're hidden.
Or do you have a preview/rayGL window open somewhere that's retriggering after each change?
I'm working on a laptop, but a pretty strong one: i7, 12GB of RAM nVidia 650m card - could that be the problem? My graphic card?
I'm working with 800k polys mesh, nothing else in the scene, no morphs or weightmaps or anything of that sort, also Ray GL and previewer are that 'heavy'?
In Maya 2015 it's working smoothly, takes a bit of time to make UV operations like relaxing and unfolding, but moving UV shells and selecting components in the UV editor is instantaneous.
Here's a snapshot of my OpenGL preferences and the UV editor properties, if any other info might help just let me know I'll attach it.
Regarding the VBO, I've searched online prior to opening this thread and I came across this:
So I thought it wouldn't hurt to try..but it didn't help.
I've also followed another thread that mentioned something about Windows putting a "shim" (what the heck is that?!) on Modo, I checked my registry and Modo isn't in there.
Haven't heard of it myself either... Can you try on another machine ? I guess you updated gpu drivers.
I've seen some similar posts on the Modo forums, might be the software after all and not a case specific.. It's just weird because it only occurs in the UV viewport :[ ..other than that the software runs great and I love it!