As shown in the attachment .
(The Reference image used is for only learning purpose only )
step 1 . using shade smooth and edge split but couldn't achieve details
step 2. applying subdivision modifier over the mesh is making it overall smooth loosing all the details
step 3.adding edge loops to make edges sharpen but it is effecting overall shape making edges sharpen where it is not needed as shown in the reference couldn't find the way to approach further needed advice help me out

Mega thread dedicated to showing off these techniques.
Blender also has the option for creases but they generally don't look any where near as good as Edge loops:
Also check out the Bevel modifier where you can define bevels in a similar way to creasing.
or even just the bevel function (Which I prefer), It will automatically split and fill a selected edge with CTRL + B, With a whole bunch of options in the tool bar.
Just try to avoid triangles and N gones on surfaces that aren't flat.