You're off to an impeccable start. I think the piece's general direction works nicely and the foreground character could benefit in some anatomical changes to the length of her armed limbs being consistent with one another and her chest area which are almost overly spherical especially for that looser clothing piece holding it up.
There's some interesting rhythm in the design going down her legs which I think are awesome but as you get to the ends of the legs there's some foreshortening awkwardness in the girth of her right foot (on the left of the image) and perspective issues with her left foot (on the right of the image). If you draw over the legs with some boxed shapes I think you'll see what I mean with the perspective having some room for improvement.
Just out of curiosity, are you planning on colouring this one up? I'd love to see further updates either way and look forward to seeing your progress
Hey! I agree, there's something missing. I think it's visual interest. You've got these two cool characters and some dirt and it's not being tied together much. I don't know much about LoL so I'm unsure if the characters have any relationship to each other in their lore or whatever, but right now it reads as two separate compositions. Is she looking at the kitty man? I didn't get that from my first read, but even if something small like that were clear it would do loads to create that synergy and visual interest. Maybe make their interaction a little clearer? Maybe add more debris and lead my eye around a little more? Maybe push some contrast and get the piece out of midtone Hell? You're on the right track but I think the overall composition could use some tweaking. Keep it up!
You're off to an impeccable start. I think the piece's general direction works nicely and the foreground character could benefit in some anatomical changes to the length of her armed limbs being consistent with one another and her chest area which are almost overly spherical especially for that looser clothing piece holding it up.
There's some interesting rhythm in the design going down her legs which I think are awesome but as you get to the ends of the legs there's some foreshortening awkwardness in the girth of her right foot (on the left of the image) and perspective issues with her left foot (on the right of the image). If you draw over the legs with some boxed shapes I think you'll see what I mean with the perspective having some room for improvement.
Just out of curiosity, are you planning on colouring this one up? I'd love to see further updates either way and look forward to seeing your progress
Best regards,