I'm having a minor issue with 3D Max 2012, It seems everytime i move something like an object, edge or vertex and then go to copy its position data say like "X 1.000m" It will move to that position when it should already be in that position.
Another example is I've got two objects both in that position but one isn't in that position until you copy the position, It makes no sense if you ask me but i've never had this issue before and the only thing that remotely comes to mind is that i change the default units to meters but even then i started a new scene after that.
Thank for you any help you can give me as its annoying to work with..
Have you applied Reset Xform to the object yet? Bad transforms can cause similar troubles.
How exactly are you moving the objects? Where are you typing in the data, and what does it say to the left of the number field? For example if it's Local you may get unexpected results.
Also check your transform coordinate system (View, World, Local, Parent, etc.).
Sorry, I don't know what xform. I'm just typing this into the position popup window and bottom window of Max as for checking the coordinate system your talking about units, right?
I do apologize for the inconvenience as i don't have much experience in max as i'd like so i may be a little misunderstanding of certain terms and tools.
I would love to know a way to fix it but i honestly don't think there is, I guess i'll use the popup window for position now instead.
Absolute vs. Local can be set with this little button