Hey folks, I'm looking for some feedback on this gun assignment. It's my first gun so I'm not sure where I should optimize more or improve the mesh. The goal is pbr in UE4.
Current stats are 16.2k verts/16k poly's.
Some parts need some more work, but I wanted to know if I'm on the right track

Will post updates here as well if wanted.
Thanks, Bram
- Any edge that doesn't add to the silhouette or the model in anyway doesn't need to be there, Primary talking about flat surfaces
- Look at other guns of the same type and complexity to get an idea of tris counts you should be aiming for. Look at games like Far Cry 4, Battlefield 3-4, Crysis, CoD there are plenty of Art dumps on here to give you an idea. It's always good to aim for as low as possible but sometimes keeping a few extra edges will help keep the model looking smooth and "next gen".
edit: forgot to say thanks to Carl for the feedback