Unlike the Trim brush, Slicing doesn't fill in the missing geometry. This means your model now has some giant holes in it. Combined with its thinness, and you might get wacky results (dynamesh likes closed volumes).
For the most stable behavior, you might want to cap those two holes off after slicing the model, and then Autogroup them. For even more control and predictability, I'd then split each piece into their own subtool before dynameshing them individually.
If you were slicing in order to get a straight line and didn't want to split the model up, saving the slicing until after you have a higher dynamesh level.
For the most stable behavior, you might want to cap those two holes off after slicing the model, and then Autogroup them. For even more control and predictability, I'd then split each piece into their own subtool before dynameshing them individually.
If you were slicing in order to get a straight line and didn't want to split the model up, saving the slicing until after you have a higher dynamesh level.