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Substance Painter

Hey I'm having an issue exporting with Substance Painter all my maps become distorted...

If you have any suggestions on how to fix this or what the problem may be please help me trouble shoot this.

Here is what the texture map diffuse/color map looks like inside Painter
Inside Painter: http://pasteboard.co/2w7uORTD.jpg
Export Distorted: http://pasteboard.co/2w7gxWna.png


  • Jerc
    Offline / Send Message
    Jerc interpolator
    It's actually not distorsion but padding. The distorsion you see is outside of the UV islands. It helps prevent issues with mipmapping and shouldn't affect the look of the texture when applied on a mesh ingame.
    It makes for ugly textures though if you have a lot of empty space on your UV, we may add an option to limit that padding.
  • Robby13
    Jerc wrote: »
    It's actually not distorsion but padding. The distorsion you see is outside of the UV islands. It helps prevent issues with mipmapping and shouldn't affect the look of the texture when applied on a mesh ingame.
    It makes for ugly textures though if you have a lot of empty space on your UV, we may add an option to limit that padding.

    Thanks for the quick reply! Is there anyway to minimize the padding size to help reduce the outside distortion. And like you said it makes the UV texture not very visually appealing, any solution on how to reduce this? I can't really rearrange/readjust the uv's as it wouldn't really solve the issue. How do other people fix this?

    Thanks again for the quick reply.
  • Jerc
    Offline / Send Message
    Jerc interpolator
    There is no easy solution right now unfortunately. You may just want to render your UV layout as a mask in your 3d app or Substance Designer and use it to mask the resulting texture in Photoshop/SD.
    Again , this is really for presentation purpose, as the texture will work fine with the dilation in-game.
  • Canlocu
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    Canlocu polycounter lvl 6
    I can not start a thread but have a question, I was trying to google something on Substance Painter and re-texturing Skyrim Armors and weapons. Substance Painter is on sell on steam for $40-50 but I am unsure if I can use it.

    I wanted to know how would one export .nif (Mesh) and (.dds) for textures to SP and after editing them export back?

    Thank you for your time if you have it.

  • Michael Knubben
    When looking at portfolios, I never think "ugh, how ugly!", I think "this person actually knows how to export things to a game, and I won't have to hold their hand".
    Although if the reason it's 'ugly' is that you have a lot of empty space, I'd focus on eliminating that! Use your texture to the full extent possible, this is something prospective hirers will be looking at.
  • odd_enough
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    odd_enough polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah definitely less worrying about if the texture sheet looks pretty, more worrying about if it looks efficient. Efficiency of tex sheets often makes the actual asset prettier. Those "distortions" are perfectly normal, and even encouraged, because of reasons listed by the people above me. Don't worry if it doesn't make sense artistically, it absolutely makes sense technically. :)
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