Hi all I'm trying to put up a small game and have a lot of question regarding industry standards and some general tips and trick regarding lighting, texturing, light baking and stuff. I wish to learn here and hope that others would also benifit.
So I'll start with this one question that has been haunting me for a while now. How do you do emissive meshes with glow. I tried using the emissive slots in the shaders in unity but the result is so fake. I could never get that magnifiscent halo of glow around an object as depicted in the images attached below. How to approach this aspect of lighting a scene? I use unity and presently Im tinkering around with unity 5 beta.

Do you have any Post FX? Light sources? Or just the emissive map in a fairly basic scene?
Bloom takes the brightest spots on your screen, makes a mask, "copies" and blurs them, adding this glow effect you want. This has nothing to do with actual lighting however.
Post effects are unity Pro only, just add one of the bloom effects to your camera, by clicking on the camera, add component and search for one of the bloom effects.
Thanks Shrike. Ok I get it Emissive maps plus a bloom. Is that It? I think the post effects are really taxing for the hardware. Say for example mobile devices. Are there any other methods to fake these or an optimized bloom is the way to go ahead?
But yeah, what Shrike said basically.
Bloom can also add a nice softening effect to the scene, if used judiciously.