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Sahir Irfan - Portfolio Critique

I'm in my 3rd year at college in Chicago, and I decided to rework my portfolio. At this time, I'm looking for a modeling type of internship, whether as a Prop Artist or Environment Artist. I'm open to any feedback and suggestion on how I can improve my portfolio.



  • AngryMindtricks
    I think the biggest issue I'd have with your environments are that the lighting is incredibly flat... everything is of an even value... especially your exterior level, the sci-fi one is better lit than your exterior environment but it's still a bit boring in terms of lighting... maybe have a look into some post production effects as well? but just don't go crazy with them e.g. lens flares everywhere lol. Just play around with it more... and also I feel like the material definition on almost all your assets / walls, floors etc aren't defined enough either... just keep pushing it :)
  • Ervin
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    Ervin polycounter lvl 7
    I think the assets are the strongest part of your portfolio so I would put that first. Generally you should avoid putting anything in your portfolio that's unrelated to the work your are seeking unless it's really good, and even then it should be separated from the stuff that matters.

    Over all your portfolio needs more content. You should be able to double the stuff in the assets section in a few days at most (if you work on it full time). That's what I recommend. You seems to know most of the basics, but you need polish and range.

    Also there are no UV maps or texture files anywhere in there, you should include that for at least some of the stuff.
  • Sheers
    Got it. I'll definitely practice more lighting to avoid that flat look. I got a UE4 Education License, so I'm also looking at the wiki and seeing if there's anything special I can do with materials to get that popping effect. In terms of assets, I'm going to try and make some more in the next week or so, and I'll include the UV Maps. Thanks!
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    you need to put out more things. Get some hero props out, no more fantasy or sci-fi stuff
    the old things dont really cut it, and your latest is always your best. The udk environments are pretty close but if you do another such step again then the new ones should be at a good level, all you need to do is new things and it will come along id say, but make sure to pick good subjects, no made up stuff
    if you seek for an internship, having like 2 really nice hero props would convince me over a bunch of old things, or one and a nice environment, quality over quantity, and cut the old things at that point, theyre just part of the way learning the subject, what you learned matters, not showing them off

    gl !
  • Ervin
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    Ervin polycounter lvl 7
    Yeah I should amend what I said earlier about doubling the content in your portfolio, it's probably better if you spend more time on one or a few really good things.
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 11
    Like others have said with the hero props, alot of your work is very low poly. You should do something much higher with much more detail
  • Sheers
    Noted, I will make some time to try high poly work, and cut down a bit on quantity. Should I remove the Game Jam and Drawing portion of my portfolio then? I feel like it doesn't serve me well, but I read online its good to show some drawings/concepts.
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