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Skeleton Warrior

polycounter lvl 8
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BluEgo polycounter lvl 8
Hi there,

I think this is the first time I post some work of mine on polycount forums: here you'll find some pictures of my last model.
The original idea was to try to design a character that would combine both sci-fi and fantasy elements, as I find this kind of combination very difficult to harmonize.

It also helped me to study new techniques, like hard surfaces in zbrush, PBR and the awesome Allegorithmic's products.

I hope you will like it :)




Oh, I almost forgot... a couple of links to the turnarounds of the hi-poly (I couldn't find an option to embed the video):



  • Michael Knubben
    One thing I think this could really use is some more contrast. Are you using an AO map for this? Additionally, more of a dark, non-reflecting material in the crevices?
    You might also consider more contrast in color between the different parts, for instance make the face greener and turn up the saturation on the blue clothing so it pops more in contrast with the grey-ish armour?
    The cape I think is brilliant, and really sells the material of old, faded fabric that needs a good dusting :)
  • Lucas Annunziata
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    Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 14

    Did a quick paintover of some of the things that MightyPea suggested, probably pushed it a bit too far even. I think pushing the difference in the two types of metal on the armor is one of the most important things to polish this guy up. Making the grey metal more like a darker painted metal to contrast with a lighter silvery metal.

    Pushing a bit o green/blue into the pants cloth will maker it pop a bit more against that awesome red cape.

    Overall, some of the design of the armor itself I think could have been pushed farther as well, like making the rib area actually look like ribs. While the aesthetic doesn't appeal to me all that much, this guy looks like he would fit right into a Gears of War game! So ya done good.
  • Kaine123
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    Kaine123 polycounter lvl 10
    I think you could maybe develop the shape of the scythe blade further, it just looks like a flat piece of metal panel right now.
  • THendersonVFX
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    THendersonVFX polycounter lvl 6
    The head/face looks very familiar somehow. I've seen its design in a game or movie somewhere before, just can't put my finger on it.

    I also second re-examining the design of the scythe. The angle of the blade from the pole to the tip is really extreme, it would be hard to cut something with it. Unless it folds out like Bloodborn, then never mind. Also give it a noticeable edge and it'll be looking great. The staff part itself looks really good in quality and design.
  • BluEgo
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    BluEgo polycounter lvl 8
    Thank you guys for your comments.

    @kaine123: I will admit that the scythe was done at the very last minute to support the pose in the first image. It was never intended to be part of the character stills, so I really should have taken more care of it. If I will ever come back to it, I will definitely change the top part, together with the blade.

    @Lucas Annunziata: More contrast is indeed better, maybe not as extreme, but I like your suggestion. The problem with PBR sometimes is that you get this washed-out effect, and it shows even more if you don't present your asset together with the environment. Something I will keep in mind, thanks again :)

    @THendersonVFX: Regarding the head, no, I didn't copy any existing design, even though considering that is just a "mummified" head with an helmet it doesn't surprise me its design is not "fresh" :)
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