Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Spas-12, Complete (Need Crits)

Hey there! I made this for the weekly weapon contest that happened a while back, and of course I didn't finished in time. There already is a game that this will be use in, so it's not going to waste.

Anyways, the biggest objective I wanted to achieve with this model was
creating good textures, so this is where I ask for some good criticism. I know a lot of the edges on the high-poly are a bit tight, but it won't happen again.

Also I should note that this is my first ever experience working with a PBR workflow. To be honest, I didn't even know what exactly it consisted of, untill I already had hand-painted the textures. So I brushed up on some in-depth studying over a couple of days and went on to tweaking. I didn't want to redo everything over, so I basically tried to make what I had look good/right in PRB and fake PRB shaders.

So please fire away with any crits you have in mind.

Model info:

Tricount: 9,392
Maps: 4096x4096 (for workflow) Diffuse/Albedo, Specular/Reflective, Gloss/Microsurface, Normals.

Sorry, I didn't render any wires.


  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
    Offline / Send Message
    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    the model's great and the materials read very well too.

    something's putting me off the texture a little bit but i'm not sure what. i think a little more contrast and detail in the gloss map would be good. and the metal may be too dull?
  • MHstudios
    the model's great and the materials read very well too.

    something's putting me off the texture a little bit but i'm not sure what. i think a little more contrast and detail in the gloss map would be good. and the metal may be too dull?


    I was thinking the same thing. I will mess around with it more. These renders are taken from a fully light environment, but I guess the highlights are still not strong enough.
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