hello everyone, i am new to ZBrush and i have some noob question that needs answering. thanks!
so my first question is... how do i prevent this from happening? i know its due to the materials... but is there a material that can be universally used in all 3D programs?

second question... maybe i understand "Normal Mapping", maybe i dont. but if i have to export my model to other programs like Marmoset Toolbag, i only need to export the low subdivision one right? and let the normal map to turn it into my real subdivision model?

third question... after i zremesh, then 'project all' my model... it makes this ugly white dots... how do i fix that?

fourth, when i ZRemesh my model, and 'project all' it... it started to get 'broken', is it possible to project my subtool to look EXACTLY like my other subtool?

final question... what is with the Flip X and Flip Y thing? this is a screenshot from Marmoset Toolbag. ZBrush has it too, i dont know how it worked and I looked all over the internet to try to understand this but to no avail. because of this is couldnt experiment with my Normal Mappings.

i look forward for your replies everyone!
#2 if you want your high res model displayed in marmoset, you need to export the high res, but if you want to have a "game ready" model in marmoset, which is supposed to be the low res, then export the low res to marmoset and apply your normal map on it! - so it looks visually like your high res, although its your low res. A tutorial which should help you to understand normal maps even more: [ame="
In this tutorial there is also this thing with +x flipped etc. explained
First of all, there's no material that works in every application. What you want to do is to extract texture from your high polygon model and apply it to your low poly model. You can do that by baking vertex color details down to low poly or saving texture from highpoly, if your highpoly has UVs and you lowest subdivision is already your game-ready mesh.
Second, it's clear to me that you have only a vague idea of normal mapping. Normal map won't turn your low poly to highpoly, that's not what it does. I suggest you looking up on normal maps in Polycount's Wiki, just use google to find anything you need.
Third, if you get white dots after Project All, it's probably can't capture the details and color from original model. Try to play with settings of the projection, hold Ctrl(i think) and point to a button to see what it does.
Finally, Flip X,Y,Z in Mamroset refers to colors(directions) of your normal map texture. Sometimes something can go wrong and then you would need to flip on of the color channels to get it to look right. Don't concern yourself with that now, just make sure that in Mesh settings(click on your mesh in layer menu and see the list) of your mesh in Marmoset the Tangent Space is set to whatever software you used for baking your normal map
Phew, I hope it helps.