Hi guys, at the moment I'm training 3D modeling using 3ds max with the help of the video series called "Mastering Hard Surface" by Grant Warwick. I'm not only watching those videos, but I recreate the shapes he makes and sometimes add personal details. But I'm facing a problem with the bridge tool that is not new for me: The "bridge" is not respecting the tangents edges, take a look at the 12:50 of this video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQzNSYkNdD4"]Mastering Hard Surface Lesson 07 - 3dsmax Tutorial - YouTube[/ame]
It seems he doens't have any problem when "bridgeing" the two symetrical parts together, but with me that happens:
First, the model:

Selecting the border tool and selecting both borders:

The (undesired) result:

Note that the new edges created do not respect its tangents edges, that's not the first time it happens to me, working in other models that problem happens sometimes. I tried to change some bridge settings, but it didn't solve the problem.
The only way i find to fix that is to bridge every edge one by one: No way, very boring and time consuming, due the number of edges in this model.
Way around this I use is to select all the edges I want to bridge, deselect two edges (opposite edges), bridge the ones which are select, then bridge the two remaining edges.
Your method solve the problem, thanks.
Also, I realized something, when selecting the borders I used the border sub object level and then convert that selection to edge level (I thought the bridge tool was only available in the edge mode) and when I bridge I got this error. But, if I select it using only the border subobject mode and click bridge (without converting it to edge), I get an even "bridge". Is that a bug or a normal max's behavior?
Such a simple but great tip! Thanks!
Bridge in border mode often gets the triangulation right where the edge mode version typically gets it wrong and has less options to correct the problem.