Hey guys,
this has been making me crazy for a while now
I created a simple looping ncloth flag animation to export to UE4 using tutorials.
I followed these instructions (Ive simplified them so you just know the steps if that helps without a wall of text)
My problem seems to begin with the bind
Loop/Create nCloth Cache - Trax editor)
Create a joint per vert .mel script (it also creates a constraint and shape)
Bake animation to joints
Disable nCloth solver and delete constraints
Smooth skin bind to joints (1 max influence per joint+ 0.1 fall off)
Im not sure why only half (lower half goes nuts, upper half deforms nicely) of the flag seems to be badly affected, and when I check the component editor each vert has only 1 influence per joint.
If you guys need me to post the .ma I can.
Cheers in advance guys and thanks for the help