I am trying to create a better effect for a laser projected hologram using unity + shaderforge. I would really like the appearance of the light rays sweeping back and forth and flickering so it looks like the rays are drawing the hud image. Has anyone done this effect before in a shader? Scrolling textures side to side doesn't give the look I want since the rays need to appear to pivot around a fixed point at the base. The only way I can think of to do it to render out an animation in 3dsmax and use a flip book or movie texture.
The effect I have now is passable but not as cool as what I have in my head:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-m3pFjxs_w"]baseball hud hologram - YouTube[/ame]
if you animate which mip-map level you use, you get that sort of animated "wide blur" too.
The video is my current effect that I'm not happy with.
Doing it purely in geometry might be a solution. You could do geo for the frames and X shape (instead of big flat planes which i assume you have now), everything could be laid out in a long line in the UV, then warped a bit to handle the radial scan effect. Then a second alpha could be animated back and forth.
edit: need more coffee. that wouldn't quite work, a warped plane would be better.
That watch is about perfect. It looks like that was done with some volumetric effects. I might be able to do something similar with a handful of animated cones and a few scrolling textures.
Oh, there is an after effects tutorial in the video description.
I would layer the same texture over itself, panning in opposite directions, across a cone model.
If you have access to custom shaders, you could add a mask texture for the edges of the cone, aligned dynamically to the camera.
For example: