I'm having an issue: When I bake the AO and Normal textures in xNormal my image comes out all distorted. When I rendered out the Normal texture in max everything was rendered fine, with no red marks. I had no UV overlaps either. I've tried exploding, everything I can possible think of.
xNormal AO Bake:
xNormal Normal Bake:
Max Normal Bake:
Any suggestions on how to fix this? Not sure what I am doing wrong...
EG: 1 unit = 1 meter - this can mean a small object like a basketball can be 0.3 meters.
1 unit = 1 cm - not many objects are going to be smaller than 1 cm in size.
What would you like to see?
I'm making sure I am check the box for "Use cage" and I've been doing some trial and error for the past hour and here is what I've come up with so far.
When I export the low poly model in xNormal's file type I set the High Poly model to be hidden (when I exported before I had both models in the scene centered at the origin). It seemed to solve the issue but another issue presented it's self.
It is finally rendering out the image:
xNormal AO: http://pbrd.co/1usWgCM
xNormal Normal: http://pbrd.co/1usWtWN
If you see the image, it is not rendering correctly...
The normal bake map should look like this: http://pasteboard.co/2nboAM4Z.bmp (max normal bake)
I also get this error every now and then: "ios_base::failbit set"
I tried scaling also didn't really do much... Thanks for the solution though mate!