Tamara, how do you think WoW's art ihas grown since when you started? Besides texture resolution, have there been specific high concept or strange technical challenges that have been met by the team that have significantly changed pipeline or workflow approaches?
Hey FirstKeeper, really awesome job on these! Love how they capture the original Warcraft feel, feels exactly like the very first weapons from the game, but pushed to today's WoW standards. Concepts and texture work is brilliant, great stuff!
JadeEyePanda - hand painting has not changed much since the very beginning. Some slight changes happened with software, most people use Zbrush and 3d coat now.
Thanks guys!
On a side note, beautiful work
Fantastic work!
Weapons are killer too. The silhouettes all read really good. Great texture work as always!
yes. Yes it is.
Much good!
Thanks guys!
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