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[WIP] UE4 Env: Enter The Cube (critique wanted)

Project introduction: This thread will be a place for documenting the progress of one of many cubes I'll be making in the coming year. Critique is wanted. If you see something that should not be there, or maybe something that you believe should be there but is not, please say so - even if I've written about it in the short status rapports.

The project will consists of multiple cubes in which the player moves between. Basically the film The Cube.
The cubes will noticeably different from each other, but with some reused parts between them at times.


Still filling in the details, still a lot of room for more.

Status rapport / Notes: 10.12.2014.
I've settled with the size of the room. As it stands, it's 7m wide 7m deep and 7 meters high. It gives the player room to move in, while it feels to a noticeable degree claustrophobic after the room has been filled in. I've been experimenting in an attempt to find the most reasonable shader distribution. I've been trying to group objects which I could reuse in other cubes within the same shader.

It seems that even with 4k textures, it just isn't enough the make the pipe texture quite crisp. I could overlap them more and increase the uv shell sizes, but then I can't go in and paint them individually later, which is what I'd like to do in the end. All the textures in the scene is temporary, since I'm still adding things and keep having to move the UV-shells around.

As of now there's only a spotlight in the center of the scene. Later on, when I've decided which objects will be in the scene and which will not, I'll made some lightmaps and proper natural/diagetic lights in the scene. I'm sure I'll keep the spotlight as a fill light with no shadow casting from it but it won't be the main light source as it stands now.

The room has been scripted with some basic behavior.
1. The light in the scene is only lit when a player is within a trigger box which covers the entire scene. So when the player walks into the next cube, the light switches off in the cube from which he/she came. Later on, the light will not switch off immediately, but after the player has been outside the trigger for 20 seconds.
2. The doors open on a keybind when the player is inside a trigger box by the door. If the door is already open, the input is ignored and the animation won't play again.

The scene is currently at 133 020 tris, but the pipes alone accounts for 60 056 tris. FPS is at a steady 90-95 in 1920x1080 on a FirePro W7000. Nothing is really optimized at the moment.

End of log 10.12.2014.

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