Greetings, everybody! And amazing works!
I decided to join the competition with a work of mine. I know I'm uploading a bit late, but I'll try my best.
Here I'll start the WIP, which originally was to be called "Into Teamfight", but I felt it a bit weird... The Team selected is: Leona, Garen, Vi, Katarina and Jinx. I miss a couple of sketches, but I'll upload them as I draw them... or maybe leave it as it goes... What do you think?
Edit: I decided to finish the work just with Leona. The work name from now on will be "Praise the Sun!"
Anyway, I finished the basis for Leona
Her armor shines like the Sun! For Christ sake, don't stare at her for too long! XD
Added a change in the original design, a very important thing in all suits of armor: a chainmail... Well, it's more like a mix within her purple jumpsuit and a chainmail suit... But it's important anyway!
(And the armor shines so much it hurts x__x)
Anyway... Praise the Sun, or feel its burning rage!! xD
I finish the sword, and the only the final touches would remain
PD: Is my idea that the "eye of the shield" shouldn't shine like the rest of the armor/shield/sword to give Leona the chance to focus on her target.
Now, I'll start with the whole thing
I hope you like it!