Hello dear fellow polycounter,
I try to write an article (in French unfortunately) about PBR for a video game website. I try to make it understand its not really linked to hardware and photorealism, how it make a little easier for consistent art direction and so on. Since I must popularize as much as possible I try to find really self-explanatory images.
I aim to make a before, after screenshot. Something that nail it. Making my own assets and shows it between UE3 and UE4 is an option but real example aka games have definitely more impact in my option. Do you know example of games that upgraded their pipeline visibly during an update or during development?
I knew it ! I knew it was using pbr in some way from some screenshot avaible at AMD website showing roughness map.
Too bad but please dont put you in unconfortable situation.
I will look later since It seems the website is down, thanks a lots.
Seriously though, check again later and if its still down for you let me know and we'll look into it.
It work now ! I think its because of the cheese in our french internet cables, it take time to melt before actually transfer bits :P
You dont know how much it help me ! thanks a lots. I feel really stupid, because I looked at other section a lots, but not this one... derp.
By the way, how I should credit you for my article ? (if it ever see the light of day)
Or should I credit marmoset in general or both ?
Sketchfab comparisons:
Eve Online:
Star Citizen:
Hehe, no need to feel stupid, we just released this one a week or two ago.
Please credit me as Joe Wilson from Marmoset, a link to www.marmoset.co would be nice too =D
Glad you found it useful!
I know that there was a art dump from second son that showed older legacy art before the conversion as well, can't find it now though :E
Completely missed Eve update
I guess I remembered there being more old screens. I'm assuimg he had to take it down..
PBR is a bit "buzz-wordy" in games.
I can't speak for every studio, but from what I've seen most game studios aren't using a true PBR model, rather opting for using a very hacky one to try and emulate the similar results.
What I've seen is a lot of Image Based nodes, that are set-up throughout a level to approximate the GI, ambience, reflectivity, and the spherical harmonics. Unfortunately this often means the setup isn't particularly dynamic, and is usually calculated at load-time.
But from what I can tell, most studios seem to be using different engines, and most engines seem to be handling how they implement this very differently.
That's along the lines of what I was thinking. Even if they used the proper physically plausible BRDF material (i.e. Oren Nayar for diffuse, GGX for specular), you break the physically plausible rules by not applying the same roughness to a reflection (which I'm pretty sure most are getting a post-filter blur applied to them or a low resolution re-render of the scene) or to indirect GI for diffuse.
andys probably talking about r&d before the project. Also I was there when he wrote that tutorial - so im not sure what hes talking about when he says this was before pbr.