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open Letter From Crytek CEO

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  • Dave Jr
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    Dave Jr polycounter lvl 9
    About time :)

    Edit: but seriously, sounds very interesting!!! Will be looking forward to it...
  • mats effect
  • Johan26
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    Johan26 polycounter lvl 8
    CRYENGINE is getting bigger ! Yay
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    I wish him and Crytek the best. Competition between engine vendors can only be good for us in the long run.

    Still going to stick with UE4 though :)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Glad they are still working on making it a better SDK, they have some big competition, there's very little UE4 could do better in terms of community interaction, feedback, source code access, Github, etc. You just get so much with the engine, makes it a much better value deal than CryEngine at this point.
  • weee
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    weee polycounter lvl 3
    thought they were in deep sh*t, but it looks all good now wish them the best, one thing for sure they've been pushing the graphic bar ever since they appear
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Hunt - Multiplayer game using cryengine

    Cryengine - 3D engine for game creation

    i hope they add 1+1 and let the players create content for their new game.
    Theres no better way to add value to the game, and give new users a good reason to start using cryengine (or learn children for the next generation of cryengine users)
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    I always liked how CryEngine looks. I hope to see it used in more games.
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    Has there been exciting changes already since 3.5?
    ( in dev/code support, community involvement, documentation and addressing bugs? )

    I really am enjoying skipping months on unreal versions.
    ( spending months on assets creation instead it's nice to know
    that I am not paying subscription for months I know there will be no activity! )
    Has Crytek adopted the same pay as u go strategy fer subscriptions?

    Serious competition sure would be re-assuring. But as far as I know Cevat Yerli isn't saying anything new?
    ( have they ever said they were "not" committed to cryengine interests? )
  • claydough
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    claydough polycounter lvl 10
    is this statement enuff for u to stick with Cryengine? If so...
    I am hoping u might have more illuminating news?
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    If there are any awesome news in that letter, then they're really well hidden. What are they? That they'll continue developing Cryengine? That they'll still be here in 2015? That 2014 was just great (at least for CryEngine)? That they're merging some team with some other team?
  • Goeddy
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    Goeddy greentooth
    well he is kind of admitting that the way they handled it before didn't work out so nice.
    so its cool for them to acknowledge that.
    their max 2012 plugin didn't work for about a year, thats why i never got into the engine.
    hope stuff like that wont happen again.
    Kwramm wrote: »
    If there are any awesome news in that letter, then they're really well hidden. What are they? That they'll continue developing Cryengine? That they'll still be here in 2015? That 2014 was just great (at least for CryEngine)? That they're merging some team with some other team?

    the big news is the team- and codemerging.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Goeddy wrote: »
    the big news is the team- and codemerging.

    So is there anything concrete that everyone expects to come out of this - e.g. "huzzah! Ryse engine feature XXXX will come to CryEngine, which was a real shortcoming of 3.4.x!"?

    Just asking because doing things that are necessary to make your product better - e.g. merging teams - doesn't strike me as something so very special. Although I'd love if they overthink their pricing model - it's still not awesome, compared to Epic, no matter how often the "as a service" buzzwords get thrown around.
  • Alphavader
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    Alphavader polycounter lvl 11
    Bad written letter, concerning the situation crytek (and their employees) actually were. (or are?)
    Also no big leadership - motivation/ Thanksgiving - to the employees,
    to the partners, to the purchaser.
    Agree with Kwramm - there are no news in it. Okay we want give out a big
    package and merge everything... but then ? Whats the outcome ?
    Where will Crytek be heading or focus on ? What did they learned about the mistakes ?
    How should employees feel ?

    A bit like : Do you want the money, or the Biiiig special box ?
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    claydough wrote: »
    is this statement enuff for u to stick with Cryengine? If so...
    I am hoping u might have more illuminating news?

    I subscribed to both UE4 and CE and just trying to work with both ( hard as hell to make the time for both by the way ) . In fact after some study on CE shaders now I am working on UE4's material system ( kinda alien to me you know, need time to figure it out) sooo... nothing changed for me, no :D

    Well I don't want to get into too much details's discussion but, just wondering when he said "everything" .... did he also mean Cinebox, VR Support and so on ?

    Also like I said " Takes on it ?" . Basically I wanted to hear what people would make of this. I usually ask people around like this on important things like this to get their ideas to see how different other people think than me.

    Well this is quite a "small" step forward. I will wait and see like everyone else... while working on whatever fits the need best at the time :D
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    I'd assume he does mean everything, so that would include the full suite of tools.

    ...but you never know with Yerli, he talks an awful lot of shit.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    ambershee wrote: »
    I'd assume he does mean everything, so that would include the full suite of tools.

    ...but you never know with Yerli, he talks an awful lot of shit.

    LOL :D Damn right. Hence the hesitation :D
  • sziada
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    sziada polycounter lvl 12
    I hope they improve the interface to be as user friendly as Unreal
  • plastix
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    plastix polycounter lvl 4
    Another boring bla-bla-bla from Yerli.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    I'm skeptical. I remember last open letter.

    For people who didn't read it it, it's basically
    1. We are very happy with success of EaaS (what success I wonder ?).
    2. We are being awesome and you are awesome!
    3. We are even more awesome!
    4. Or previous development sucked!
    5. So we change it, to be inline with rest of the world.
    6. Did I mention we are awesome ?

    Of course there is nothing, which could interest normal people (developers), like planned features, roadmap, access to shader sources.

    Look. I like Ce3. Especially the rendering part is still superior compared to UE4 in terms of looks and performance.
    But since I'm not particularly interested in creating graphical demos... There is not much else to get.

    Comptetion would be good, but Epic is so far ahead of rest of the industry combined in terms of engine licensing, tech, and support, that I guess entire game industry is still recovering from shock at GDC ;p.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Sorry, but after all the shit i've had to go through with CryTools and their import/export process. I can't wait to never have to use that engine again.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    Sorry, but after all the shit i've had to go through with CryTools and their import/export process. I can't wait to never have to use that engine again.

    Man, I couldnt have said it better honestly. I was blown away initially by its graphical prowess, but man as an artist, give me unreal or unity absolutely any day of the week. Simply for its 'ease to get stuff in and going' ability.
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    Sorry, but after all the shit i've had to go through with CryTools and their import/export process. I can't wait to never have to use that engine again.
    The FBX support? Or what are you referring to?
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    The FBX support? Or what are you referring to?

    The "general exporting problem" of the CE of course :)

    For example I still ( to this day) can not export my materials from Max to CE. I crate them directly inside the engine by hand ,one by one. I gave up upon figuring what's wrong with it... 2 years ago :D

    But I agree with iniside , in terms of graphical quality/ performance CE is still superior to UE4... for now.

    By the way did I mention that the thing makes CE faster is also the thing makes it hard to learn/use ? Yeah that whole "exporting nightmare" is a product of optimisation. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    The "exporting nightmare" is a product of CryEngine being targeted at studios and not the general public.

    If you're in a Crytek studio, or a studio that only works with CryEngine for their games, then actually all of these issues largely disappear. You'll have support from Crytek and will likely have source access to help create any middleware you need. It makes total sense for Crytek studios to have all of their software integrated in the way that it is.

    i can't even count the number of times clients complained to me that the .max files i sent them had plugin errors or missing components because i had Crytools installed on my machine. or that a .tiff file i'd sent them had been "corrupt" because Crytools had automagically renamed it to .tif for me and changed part of its metadata.

    Crytools (if you're not a CryEngine exclusive user) are almost malware.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah you are right.

    I just meant that all these .tiff ->dds , i_caf -> caf , .cry . skin. chr. things only to get a single model in engine are built around the idea of using own formats to reduce size and creating modularity to increase performance and options.

    But is this fact being told to you ? Nope :)
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky

    The "exporting nightmare" is a product of CryEngine being targeted at studios and not the general public.

    If you're in a Crytek studio, or a studio that only works with CryEngine for their games, then actually all of these issues largely disappear. You'll have support from Crytek and will likely have source access to help create any middleware you need. It makes total sense for Crytek studios to have all of their software integrated in the way that it is.

    i can't even count the number of times clients complained to me that the .max files i sent them had plugin errors or missing components because i had Crytools installed on my machine. or that a .tiff file i'd sent them had been "corrupt" because Crytools had automagically renamed it to .tif for me and changed part of its metadata.

    Crytools (if you're not a CryEngine exclusive user) are almost malware.

    haha that cryhelper that ended up in ALL my scenes, after working for them, yes that was a nightmare ^^
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    TAN wrote: »
    built around the idea of using own formats to reduce size and creating modularity to increase performance and options.

    You realise that's all complete BS, right?
  • Cibo
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    Cibo polycounter lvl 10
    And how Unreal reconize you Normal Map?
    You have the option in the SDK to make the change you need.

    The whole concept is different.

    For Unreal you make your stuff in different programms, use standart formats
    and importing it. Inside the SDK you make the changes.

    For Cryengine you need specific tools from crytek, need specific 3d programms for the tools and importing the optimised file.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    ambershee wrote: »
    You realise that's all complete BS, right?

    Of course instead of using crytiff like plugins to reduce texture size from 2 MB to around 500 kb there is always options like UE4 + Quixel basically doing the exact same thing. Soo... you are kinda right tough not exactly :)

    I just said what I thought about the workflow.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    You realize that CryTIFF essentialy produce meta data for stanard DXT texture compressions ? Then save it in cutom tif file, from which then DDS textures are extracted.

    It's exactly the same as in bazillion other engines. The only difference is in CryEngine you need specific plugins, and to fallow specific naming convention -;-.
  • plastix
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    plastix polycounter lvl 4
    iniside wrote: »
    Look. I like Ce3. Especially the rendering part is still superior compared to UE4 in terms of looks and performance.

    Can you provide examples of «superior» look?
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    @ iniside Yes I am aware as I said. But I didn't know that every engine was capable of nice compression rates by themselves ( without 3rd party programs) until now. Because this is what I understood from your post just now. Or did I get it wrong ?


    Don't... Just.... don't.
    You know what I mean :)
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    TAN wrote: »
    @ iniside Yes I am aware as I said. But I didn't know that every engine was capable of nice compression rates by themselves ( without 3rd party programs) until now. Because this is what I understood from your post just now. Or did I get it wrong ?

    All engines use dds (DXT) compression by default. Some use slightly modified version, for normal maps, or other special to engine textures.

    And NVIDIA Textures Lib is widly used for compressing them. The main difference is that UE4 handles it on importing, while CE3 forces you to use some odd plugins for photoshop 0o.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    iniside wrote: »
    All engines use dds (DXT) compression by default. Some use slightly modified version, for normal maps, or other special to engine textures.

    And NVIDIA Textures Lib is widly used for compressing them. The main difference is that UE4 handles it on importing, while CE3 forces you to use some odd plugins for photoshop 0o.

    Thanks for teaching me mate. You are the man. ı'll look back into this deeply and even convert some textures on both UE4 and CE to see how well they handle things.

  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Unreal 4 will automatically compress all of your textures for you into the relevant DXT compression format based on the settings for that texture. It then strips unnecessary data out at cooking time to reduce the size of final assets ready for distribution.

    No fiddling with silly external tools required ;)
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    That's technically incorrect. CE3 doesn't force you to use the Photoshop plugin. In fact, if you know the command-line arguments for rc.exe you can get it to compress your .tif files any way you want. But personally I would rather just use UE4 or Unity and change the compression options with a GUI that comes with the engine, and I'm sure I'm not alone.
  • plastix
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    plastix polycounter lvl 4
    TAN wrote: »
    Don't... Just.... don't.
    You know what I mean :)

    I dont know what you mean
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Hazardous wrote: »
    but man as an artist, give me unreal or unity absolutely any day of the week. Simply for its 'ease to get stuff in and going' ability.

    And that's all to be said, really.
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