
I decided on Lux this time. My hope is always, that someday Riot will release a Championship or Victorious Lux or Orianna skin, so I decided to take on CS Lux. I made her outfit similiar to the other CS skins, the usuall stuff they have in common like the season number on the chest. I also made the skin a bit remembering to the original classic skin to show her how she is but more victorious. My idea was to give her a familiar look but in a new definition so everyone can refer to her as "Lux". I mean for example "Oh yeah that is her style" or "This fits her". That is because I noticed that all CS Skinns have this similarity with their base skins in common. I hope you can give me feedback for improvement, this is merely my sketch and my references I used

Feel free to comment! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks!