Hi ya! First I gotta say, fantastic piece of software this! Finally got a license at work too and I can't wait to get to use it professionally now as well.
Anyway, I stumbled onto a couple of things that I can't figure out. I have a project where I have made material id's separately for normal detail screws and for the steel material they are on.

The anti-alias of the two overlapping materials is giving me nasty artifacts somewhere else on the model. So, just in case, I thought I'd go ahead and paint a custom paint layer to the steel material and I removed the screw holes in that mask.
I was going to create the screws material group over the steel material but I'm having a problem with creating the material mask for the screws. I'm picking the screws color id from the material id window where it looks fine but when dDo produces the mask it, for some reason, brings up the other material's mask adjustments with it.

Is there a way to prevent it from doing that and just make the mask based on the material id and not care about any of the possible custom mask adjustments on other material groups?
And also, while I'm at it I might as well ask. How exactly do I create a group mask from the material id psd dDo creates from the material id texture I fed it (or from any selection I might want to make)?
And the other problem. I have some wood details made into a base albedo and it's in the same resolution as the rest of the project. Here's a crop of the detail in question:

I can get the base albedo to show up on the model like so:

(You can see another instance of the first problem I described on the center of the steering wheel, by the way.) Also notice the cracking detail on the steering wheel. It's coming from the dDo material and I don't want that.
When I create a smart material from the wood presets the smart material overrides my albedo detail. Now, I can get around that by reducing the dDo wood albedo to zero. However, all dirt and wear effects still use the dDo wood preset and looks weird as they don't match with the detail I want. I tried adding my albedo base file as a custom material like the software kind of suggested but the details won't line up where they should and I can't seem to find anything to make it so. Here's how it looks like with my base albedo only as a custom material on the wooden parts:

If I add it as a reference for the dirt and wear too it all shows up as the white background color of the base albedo.
I´ll try to answer your questions.
I couldn´t completely understand your first problem there but it seems like you solved it yourself?
Yes you can make "group masks" from the Color-ID, just bring up the "Mask ID editor" And ctrl+left click on the colors you want in your group. (Some people are experiencing and bug with 1.9 where the colors dont show up in the list right away, but on the psd itself you should be able to see that it works)
You want to create a new material with your wood texture? are you using an existing smart material or are you creating a new one from scratch?