Hello everybody,
The idea for this Irelia skin comes from her lore and name, specifically this part:
Irelia, the Will of the Blades
"In the chaos of the ensuing fight, Irelia was cursed with dark Noxian necromancy. As her life ebbed, SorakaSquare.png Soraka, the Starchild, made a final attempt to anchor Irelias fading soul. Unwilling to relinquish her home, Irelia rose at the brink of death, and her fathers sword lifted in the air alongside her. Irelia rushed back to the fore, unfazed by the blade's sudden animation. The weapon danced around her effortlessly, cutting down Noxians as they gaped in horror. The decimated invaders were forced to retreat from the Placidium. Irelia was appointed Ionia's Captain of the Guard, and when the defense of her homeland moved to the Fields of Justice, so did she."
The sword flourishes, as though painting with blood.
― Taken from a Noxian Field Report
The illustration is of her having awoken from the brink of death, in some cave in a mountain, now ready to go demolish the Noxian armys

[the curse still lingering in her armor and weapons~
This is also my first attempt at doing a painting in Photoshop so any tips are welcome~
Below are the rough line sketches I did, the reference materials will be posted later.