function uniquifyArray arr =
curnum = arr.count
for i in arr do
if (findItem arr i > 0 ) and ( finditem arr i == curnum ) do
deleteItem arr (findItem arr i)
curnum -= 1
return arr
tm1 = Standardmaterial name:"Test1"
tm2 = Standardmaterial name:"Test2"
pm1 = Standardmaterial name:"Proxy1"
pm2 = Standardmaterial name:"Proxy2"
pm3 = Standardmaterial name:"Proxy1"
pm4 = Standardmaterial name:"Proxy1"
-- if you uncomment pm4 the whole script fails. How can I prevent this from happening?
mlist = #(
uniquifyArray mlist
actionMan.executeAction 0 "50048" -- Tools: Material Editor Toggle
mm = MultiMaterial numsubs:(mlist.count)
meditMaterials[1] = mm
count = 1
for x in mlist do
meditMaterials[1].materialList[count] = x
count += 1
This doesn't seem to be working if there are more then two of the same materials. Why?
If you run the above code you'll see that if Proxy1 is in there twice it runs just fine and everything is happy.
However... if you uncomment pm4 from the mlist array everything just goes to hell.
Can someone give me a bit of insight on why this is happening and how I can prevent it from making my uniquifyArray function stop working? Thank you!
1. I'll be honest I'm not sure what your uniqueifyArray function is doing. However, there is already a command to make a unique array so we don't need it.
2. The other issue is that just because 2 materials share a name doesn't make them the same. The following command will return false.
The findItem command basically does a == comparison through the whole array. The == comparison looks for variables that reference the same memory. For example the following would return false as well.
The proper way to fix your code would be to test for names against the array as you create the array.