I have a question about the different Quixel suite licensing. What are the differences between the Quixel suite licensing other than the pricing? What I mean is lets say I go for a Hobby & Freelancing license. Am I restricted to a certain amount of money I am able to make (10k) while using the Quixel Hobby & Freelancing suite license?
It's somewhat vague on how much I can actually make commercially or any restrictions with how the way the different Quixel licensing are worded on the site. I am interested at the Hobby & Freelancing license but I am not sure what restrictions it has compared to the Indie and Commercial licenses which are far more expensive than the Hobby & Freelancing license and would guess have less restrictions monetary wise since they are more expensive licenses.
I tried contacting someone through the Quixel website via email but so far I haven't heard from anyone at Quixel

so I would try my luck here in the hopes someone might answer my questions. Or am I just too dumb to figure out by myself the licensing restrictions clearly stated on the Quixel website :poly142:?