Hi, I have to create a self portrait for a uni project and would love any critique and help you could offer. I'm still working on it and I have quite a bit still to do but any help you could offer is appreciated!
I'm doing the hair through the transparency technique and it's taking a while. Any tips would be awesome!
Thank you
-Pull all your hair back for your reference photo. Hair is "easy" to get in later, but its blocking features like the ears and stuff that can help while skulpting. Worry about it later. Get your face looking like your face, then do the hair later.
-Make your sculpt grey or something. Adding make up with a pale color gives it a reallllly creepy feeling right now.
In anycase, neck in the skulpt is flowing out. Necks dont do that for the most part. It goes stright down. In fact, it'll be good if you knew why features of your face are the way they are.
The over all impression im getting from your sculpt is blobby. Your face is a lot more defined and smooth, around the neck and chin area specifically compared to the skulpt. If you were to break up your face into planes and go from there, it might help to get your definition right.
Are you working in Zbrush at all?
Also, make sure perspective is on when you sculpt. There's a lot of strange issues on this sculpt, it's really at no point to be projecting textures onto just yet! Keep working it
I've fixed the neck, added a body, and changed the face a little bit? Any more advice? The back of the head looks a bit weird to me but since it'll be covered with hair I'm not focusing on that currently.
Please also ignore the hands for now as I need to work on them still.
Please give me direct things I can improve!
Thank you!
Rework the lips and you need a little more bulk on the upper cheek.
For the lips:
Good luck
Thank you!
Likenesses are tough, even if it is your own face. Some landmarks to look for are the underside of the jaw, the angle between eyes and nostrils, etc.