Hey folks,
I'm working on a new bust, the idea is simple she is some kind of african princess with aztec influences. My goal is a realtime version.
I'm quite happy with the proportions and the style of her jewellery, but her hair is still work in progress.
Comments and critiques are allways welcome 8)
I will take a few more for her hair and when it's time to make her skin color and the other materials.
Maybe I put some Rubys inside the eye sockets.
I would also do bigger earring on the lobe, something really fancy.
I'll give her fancy earrings :thumbup:
I think you sould rework the cheeks and the chin a bit, and the jawline in general. The cheeks are too defined, they almost look "fake", but the chin and jawline aren't defined enough. It's clearly visible if you compare the 3/4 views of your model and the ref.
I will take a closer look on her cheeks/chin, it's always good to have a second pair eyes.
You mean both lips right? hmm let's see what I can do for her
But or now my next update...
The jewellery and the hair is still work in progress.
Have any of you an idea how I can make her cornea reflection sharper? I'm using a hdri cubemap reflection but the result is unsatisfactory.
If its offline, just place a primitive with an white emissive shader, it the direction and size you want, that would reflect in her eye. If your hdri is really soft, then making the material glossier will not help, maybe try another hdri that has more detailed variation, that should do. you could also double the eye and make a glossier transparent material on that and such tricks
Her skin has no specular texture at the moment, this is just a overal spec, this will come later. Knald is very nice, I am allready using a transition map for her sss but I am still looking for the right adjustments for the skin shader
I use the Unreal Engine 4 because I want to challenge me and my skills by learning an other way to present my assets.
Her eyes have a cornea mesh too for the reflections, but I will search after a more detailed hdri map and make a new try :thumbup: