(This is more or less a copy-paste from the mail I sent to your support, though with some edits/additional info. I figured it'd be a good idea to dig for help here too!)
I recently purchased the Quixel Suite during your generous black friday sale.
However I cannot seem to get it to work properly after installing and launching the program. I get errors pop-ups whenever I try to use DDO or NDO. It's happening consistently and not randomly. The error messages appears to be exactly the same down to the hex number.
Here is what I'm doing:
1) I begin by launching Quixel Suite which works fine. Photoshop CS6 loads, and so does the Suite toolbar.
2) Via the Suite toolbar i launch NDO, works fine thus far. It shows up.
3) I leave settings as default and press "Create new project", NDO starts doing its thing but stops shortly after with an error and
this is what I'm looking at.
4) I press OK and Suite restarts itself and then immediately gives me
this error. I press OK and I am now shown the "Load the Photoshop.exe of your choice" window.
5) I choose my Photoshop CS6 .exe and now I get a pop-up, "Photoshop needs to be restarted for changes to take effect. Automatically restart?" I pick "Yes". I am now given the same error as in step 3)
Things that I have tried from your troubleshooting guide:
- Rebooting computer.
- Resetting Photoshop preferences
- Re-installing the Quixel Suite via the Update Launcher
- Giving Admin Rights to DDO, NDO, 3DO and Suite .exe files in the "/x64/bin/release" folder
- Disabling AVG Anti-Virus
- Using Photoshop 2014 CC Trial
- Different install paths and drives
- Rollbacks to earlier versions (every version down to 1.4)
None of them has worked. I also saw there was a note for non-English Photoshop versions and that they have to be set to English to work properly. Mine is already set to English however.
My computer specs are:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit
Intel(R)Core(TM) i5.2500 CPU @ 3.30GHZ
Nvidia GeForce GTX 550 Ti
Wow you have certainly done your homework! And to be completely honest the thing I would suspect to cause this you´ve already tried. But regarding PS versions, is it set to be in english in the interface, or is it installed as an english version from the start?
Also, is the suite installed on a SSD drive? We´ve been getting some reports that this has caused problems for some people.
Sorry for your troubles, I hope we can get this sorted!
Both of the Photoshop versions that I'm using(CS6 and CC 2014 Trial) are set to English by default(and I haven't tampered with those settings).
Quixel Suite is installed on a regular HDD drive. There is a SSD drive that I use for my OS however. If it matters, Photoshop CS6 is located in the SSD while Photoshop CC 2014 is installed on the HDD.
Giving Admin Rights did the trick. Thanks
@Eric Ramberg: Is it possible to have one of your programmers to take a quick look at it? I can't figure much out of the error messages myself but they might be able to find some clues in there.
Let me get back to you when i know more, that you for being so patient!
JackL - Glad to hear it!
In the meantime I am carrying out my Plan B:
Teddy has looked through this thread and he could not for the life of him figure out what is wrong.
I know its A LOT to ask, but have you tried removing everything, the suite and all versions of PS.
And done a clean install of PS CC and the suite?
You said that C: Is a SSD drive?
Have you had both PS and the suite installed on
Some people have had some success with the "Revo uninstaller", and a clean install of the suite after that. Maybe this could work for you as a temporary fix! Ofc we want to find the cause of the crash as well!