I bought Quixel Suite some time ago and I noticed this program runs on my laptop and not on my computer.
The issue is that when I try to launch it , it doesn't and just shows up in the task manager. I can do this multiple times and yet nothing happens still.
Things I've tried are
having Photoshop Open/Closed while doing it
Contacting Quixel ( No reply )
Installing on my laptop where it suprisingly works ( Windows 8 , but that shouldn't be the problem )
I honestly don't know what to do and I can't find anything on google.
Sorry that you didnt get an asnwer per e-mail, but i will try to help!
Some questions:
The most common reason for this behaviour is anti-virus blocking the suite, could that be the issue?
Is the suite installed on a network drive?
Is the PS version English?
Are there any non-alphanumerical characters in install-path to the suite?
Try running both the suite and PS as admin
A lot of questions
I disabled anti virus - Nothing
I had Suite installed on my C:// drive and then on my external - nothing
Yes PS is in English
the install-path to the suite is : K:\Quixel\x64\bin\Release\SUITE.exe
Last one is nothing as well.
I don't get how my laptop can run it with having anti-virus ( Avast ) on and the same settings...