I'm trying to make a decal that has both transparency and glow but I can't get it to work.
I have made a diffuse texture with an alpha map for the transparency and the glow. I've saved it out as DiffuseWithAlpha_highQ.
The decal needs to wrap around an object that's not flat so I have it set to ProjectOnStaticObjects. When I do this the transparency works but not the glow.
I have tried different glow values but it does nothing. However, it does glow in the material editor, in the preview at the top, but not in the viewport.
If I set the decal to planar the glow works but not the transparency.
Under "Shader Generation Params" I also checked "Glow in Diffuse alpha" and then adjusted "Alpha glow multiplier" under "Shader Params", but that didn't do anything either.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
Tried it now. No change unfortunately. Also tried Diffuse_Decal, same result.