I am working on a game which is tiled based and the mesh needs to snap to the grid. With centre pivot the pivot sometimes moves to the centre of the grid and causes misalignment. I need a script that moves the pivot to the farthest corner of the mesh( all corner verts are on grid for snapping purposes) or the farthest corner of the bounding box.
Any help is much appreciated.
Places the pivot of the selected objects in one of 27 spots such as center, bottom, top, high left side, etc. You can also align pivot to currently selected vert, edge or face.
What about just using simple script like this?
Thanks for the advice and the script Revel. Putpivot is doing the job correctly now only problem is the sub object pivot is not in global anymore and is now according to the local normal which is causing me problems.
Any idea what to do?
Thanks for the script Revel! You the man! Sorry for the late reply. This new city and job are really taking my time.