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Max to Maya again

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Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
So for the fourth time I'm switching sides again, and as always I have lost all my past memories of my former software.

So I just want some help with some easy questions, things that I could probably find if I searched a bit harder, but if someone here have the information in hand then even faster :).

1. loop selection and ring selection, was there any hotkey for these? except for double cklicking for loop.

2. snapping to grid isnt default?

3. if i have a plane with all sides in different heights, how do i make it planar the fastest?
In max I could for once scale it down and it would avarage itself, but not in maya.

more to come


  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    1. You can probably make hotkeys in the hotkey editor. Not sure if there's any by default.

    2. Not sure what you're asking here?

    3. Hold J and scale it in the axis you want to make it planar.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    1. yeah I'll probably go wild with the hotkeys, just hoping to stay to the original as far as I can, as down the road I'm supposed to help others.

    2. sorry, I remembered that v and x are separated so now I get it.

    3. ah that's the button :) great thanks!

    thank you very much for the help!
  • antweiler
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    antweiler polycounter lvl 8
    The quickest way to ring/edgeloops: With an edge selected hold Strg+RMB. Move the mouse to the bottom right: select edgeloop, to the bottom left: select edgering. You dont have to wait for the marking menu to appear.
    For edgeloop delete, hold CTRL+RMB, and draw a "V", for edgering split draw a "<" etc...
    Its like casting spells in an rpg.

    edit: replaced STRG with CTRL
  • gloriousczar
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    gloriousczar polycounter lvl 6
    1) If you have an edge selected you can also ctrl + right click > edge loop utilities > to edge loop, there's a few other options there too. If you have one edge selected you can press left or right arrow to select the loop, keep pressing left or right to select adjacent loops. Up and down arrows will select edge rings.

    2) Yea use X, you can also just make snap to grid default in the status line by clicking the button when you're in the polygons tab.

    3) You can also change your scale manipulator to object space or normal average by holding R > left clicking. So if you want to make faces planar but not aligned with the X Y or Z world space try using those instead.
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