Hello all,
I was getting in the habit of making things, posting them, and never finishing so I waited a while with this until I got to a stage that I felt comfortable that I would actually finish this project.
Making the gate room from the tv series with a few design changes that I think will make it better to look at.
Still lots of modelling of props and texturing to go.
I would like to make a wormhole opening particle fx thingy but it seems a little to daunting for me just now so will be thinking about that later.
EVERYTHING still very WIP. except maybe the gate. Kinda liking it how it is.
@cay yeah the room overall is super boring, its also the reason I never tried it before so hopefully I can add some elements to make it more interesting without taking your eye away from the stargate.
Two points, I also think the emissive is a little bright.
And with regarding the gate, it looks like it might only have 8 chevrons, (kind of hard to tell in the screenshots) where as the Milky Way gates have 9 chevrons, but like I said kind of hard to tell so apologies if I'm wrong.
Other than that the gate is really well modelled...better than the one I started.
I look forward to seeing the rest.
Things to do:
Objects still need final texture pass
Floor looks like liquid
Gate dampeners on either side
Add servers and machine guns to scene
Blast doors
a whole lotta animation and FX shiznit
@nuclearjelly yeah the walkway banisters are way to high up. I will need to re-scale these. I have some problems with a few objects scaling in the scene. Need to get a char in the scene to make it all perfect soon.
@angelofdeath1000 Yep the emissives were too bright. I have turned them down some, what do you think now? The gate definitely has 9 so don't worry about that. its just hard to see with the walkway in the way.
@Thaiauxn Thanks dude. I hope to make this the best one on the interwebs if possible lol!
Looking better with the emissives turned down, I still think they could be dropped a little more, especially the chevron glow.
Good to hear the gate has 9 Chevrons
Is that water on the floor?
And speaking of the floor, are you going to put the caution warnings around the ramp entrance?
Other than that, this is looking really good, keep it up.
Still to do....
Gate holder/dampeners
Get Machine guns in
Work out what to do with behind windows
Create "gate sequence"
It's looking really good, and I would say the emissive levels look fine now, you could use a bit more textures variation, more so on the ceiling, it just looks odd in my opinion and the floor texture could use some work, still look a bit like water in some places.
Other than that, looks great, look forward to seeing more
Having problems with rendering the floor If anyone can help. It looks fine in viewport but when I save a "highresscreenshot" the reflections go haywire on it. You can see the problem most in the bottom image. I think its just because my gfx card sux and have ordered a new one at work that I could try it with. If anyone has any other suggestions it would be great.
As for the floor, I don't really know I've never really had any trouble with rendering. What does the floor texture look like on it's own). You could try getting rid of the reflections and then render and see if that fixes anything.
A few critiques: why is the concrete so paneled? In the show, the concrete was cast so there were significantly fewer gaps. The ceiling itself looks a bit low as well. Wasn't there also a big lifting shaft above the gate they used to drop it down into the base?
As for behind the glass, the lower windows were the control room, and the upper windows a conference room. You could just throw some simple objects in there and keep the lights down.
If you could show me a ref image of the shaft used to drop it into the room that would be ace. I can't seem to find anything with a view of the roof in it. Would help loads
@angelofdeath1000 I didn't notice that odd join with the ceiling and wall. I think the beams will work well fixing that.
I had a quick look around and couldn't find any images, but I think you see this in Season 6 Redemption Part 2.
It was a missle silo before.
Here's a bigger picture!
I read it's 80ft, and I think I see 8 sections, so 10ft each.