Hello there,
there might be a quick solution to my problem but I couldn´t find anything helping me, I don´t even know which words to look for to not have thousands of hits searching for joints and maya. But anyaway, this might be easy for you and you would help me so much.
So heres my problem, I need to bend a belt in the direction of to axis, but it must be stiff in the third, here are some images illustrating the problem.
Example for a belt like in my model:

This one is to show, how I need to bend it:

This image shows the unwanted afect of the joints

Hope someone can help me
The default falloff is I think 1/distance cubed or somesuch so you'll get a smooth falloff like you see there.
Select the object then go to Skeleton->Edit smooth skin-> paint skin weights. Set the rows to be weighted 100% to the vert they're in line with.
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