Hi mates, i am learning on my own, and since some days ago i got a problem with UVs that i really can not find a solution after searching for long time.
When you have a hand-painted texture you can stack 2 symmetrical parts, right ?
But when only some parts of the character ( or prop ) are symmetrical the method that i am using now is : UV in 3d Coat >OBJ to 3d max > detach asymmetrical parts > with symmetrical parts i delete half and apply Symmetry modifier and after Unwrap UVW > attach all > Weld points.
With this method i can stack the symmetrical UVs perfectly, but my question is Are there another method of stacking symmetrical UVs without detach asymmetrical parts ?
I tried without detach > open the UV editor > select a symmetrical part > put this above the another symmetrical seam but the vertex never match.
Yes, in this case i can select vertex by vertex and move into the correct position, but this is a crazy work. Are there some tool that can act like an "iman" ?
Like for example when i select a seam and putting above her symmetrical part, automaticaly the seams are put together, getting the same result as using Symmetry modifier + Unwrap UVW )
Sorry for this big text xD, but believe me: i already got bored of do not find any information about it.
TY for your attention.
However, why export to Max to do this, when you can already do it in 3D Coat?